[Description: ?June2012]http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
U of M students,
June's Student Health 101http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html is now ready! So why should you read Student Health 101http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html? First, you can enter to win $1,000 for reading U of M's health and wellness magazine, online at http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html. Plus, there are some great articles in June's issuehttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html:
[Description: June 2012 U of M Health 101]http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
[Description: June 2012 U of M Health 101]http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
[Description: June 2012 U of M Health 101]http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
Recharge, Refresh, Refocushttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html Students are finding "me" time - learn why and how it's helping
Are You Ready to Go Organic?http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html Why more and more students are going local and organic
Put Your Phone Down...Really, You Canhttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html How students are unplugging and connecting with real-life activities
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Imagehttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html How a positive view of your body can lift your self-confidence
How's Your Health?http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html Some of the most important exams to take aren't academic
UCookbook: Meals without Cookinghttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html & FitnessU: Pool Workoutshttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
[Description: U of M Health 101 on Facebook]http://www.facebook.com/pages/U-of-M-Student-Health-101/163129317107687
Don't miss out! Like U of M Health 101 on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/U-of-M-Student-Health-101/163129317107687 for exclusive videos, articles, and much more.
Read U of M Student Health 101 todayhttp://read101.ca/umanitoba.html - and be sure to enter to win $1,000!
Thanks for your time,
Marcia Davies Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students) Student Affairs, University of Manitoba marci_davies@umanitoba.camailto:marci_davies@umanitoba.ca http://www.umanitoba.ca/student
Student Affairs creating opportunities for student success