COVID-19 health and safety update
The well-being of the UM community remains our top priority in these times of growing concern. As we continue to monitor the Omicron variant, we are enhancing health and safety measures under the guidance of medical experts.
All non-essential activity will continue remotely As communicated in President Benarroch's message on December 20https://news.umanitoba.ca/um-moving-the-start-of-winter-term-to-remote/?utm_source=umanitoba.ca&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=Home, from now until the end of the Winter Term break on February 26, 2022, all non-essential activity will continue remotely. Only those staff members deemed essential are to be on campus during this period. All other staff are to work remotely. Course activity has been moved to remote delivery wherever possible. For further information, students can connect with their faculties, and staff can reach out to their supervisors.
Higher grade masks provided for those on campus Where possible, two metres of physical distancing is to be maintained. Medical grade masks will be provided for employees and students who need to be on campus, and are able to physically distance. Employees and students who are required to be on campus and are engaged in activities for which distancing cannot be maintained will be provided with KN95 masks and eye goggles or shields. Please ensure your mask is fitted properlyhttps://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/diseases-conditions/covid-19-mask-fit-properly.html to maintain maximum effectiveness.
These masks and enhanced PPE items such as reusable eye protection, are available through central procurement and units are responsible for acquiring and distributing them. For students required to be on campus, these items will be available at the specific classroom locations, as supplied by units. Masks are also available at Elizabeth Dafoe Libraryhttps://umanitoba.ca/libraries/covid-updates#hours-and-spaces on Fort Garry Campus, open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Continued evaluation We are continuing to evaluate UM plans based on the latest public health information in order to make a determination on our activity after the end of Winter Term break (February 26). Updates will be communicated as soon as they are available.
For information on health and safety measures to keep our campus community safe, please visit UM's COVID websitehttps://umanitoba.ca/coronavirus.
Thank you for your ongoing resilience and commitment as we work together to enhance the health and safety of our UM community.