Dear UM students,
Happy New Year and welcome back to a new term!
The Winter 2013 Fee Payment Deadline is Monday, January 7. Check your Fee Balance in Aurora Student: Go to Enrolment & Academic Records>Registration>View Account Summary by Term. Refer to the Financial Services website for payment options.
Late Fees will apply if you are registered for the Winter 2013 Term and do not pay the balance in full by the deadline.
Reminder: You are responsible for tuition and general fees for all courses in which you are registered. Note: The University of Manitoba will not cancel/de-register students from current term courses for non-payment. Where are your Winter Term classes? The location of the Winter Term portion of courses that span Fall and Winter Terms may differ from that of the Fall Term portion. Please be sure to check for the new location in Aurora Student under your Week at a Glance schedule or your Student Detail Schedule.
Questions? Please submit your question through askumanitoba for current students for an immediate response. If the response you receive does not address your question satisfactorily you may use this service to send us an email for a more personalized reply.
Neil Marnoch Registrar University of Manitoba
ph: 204 474 9425
Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success