UNIX Server Maintenance, Sunday 28 Dec 2014, 07:00 - 12:00
Please be advised that the following systems will be unavailable on Sunday, 28 December 2014 from 07:00 – 12:00 due to file system maintenance:
Ad Astra Platinum Analytics
Aurora, Aurora Finance and Student (Banner)
Axium, Faculty of dentistry management system
Banner Workflow
CampusCall, CampusCall (vendor Ruffalo Cody)
CNS HPC Compute Cluster
Decision Academic Catalog Navigator, Registrar's Office
Finance Millennium FAST
Flex, Vendor - T2 Systems
Iridium, ID Management
Luna Visual Collections, Luna Visual Collections for Libraries
Old Luminis (version 3), Jump Portal
Parking Management System used by Parking Services
Public login including OVDC and ThinLinc
Raiser's Edge
University Research Administration, University Research Administration (InfoEd)
VIP, Human Resources
Please do not hesitate to contact the Service desk if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Service Desk
Information Services & Technology
University of Manitoba
123 Fletcher Argue
230 Neil John MacLean Library
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