*_M E M O R A N D U M_*
*Date:* October 10, 2007
*To:* Students
*From: * Deborah McCallum, Vice-President (Administration)
*Re: Strike Action by the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) at the University*
I wish to advise you that the University and CAW have not been successful in reaching a collective agreement. Strike action by CAW staff began today Wednesday, October 10. The CAW includes 480 physical plant staff (caretakers, maintenance, trades, etc.), food service and residence personnel.
The University will continue to operate as normal to the extent possible.
Classes will continue as scheduled. The libraries will remain open.
Students have the right to choose whether or not to cross the picket line. The University will make efforts to reasonably accommodate the student to ensure that the student is not discriminated against as a result of their decision. However, students are responsible for materials covered in class. These students should contact their instructors to discuss reasonable accommodation.
All parties, including employees on strike and individuals crossing picket lines, are responsible for refraining from illegal behaviour. Please exercise patience and caution in crossing picket lines. Picket line activity will be video taped and recorded for safety and security purposes and will be made available to Winnipeg Police Service, if necessary. If difficulties are experienced crossing the picket line please contact Security Services at 474-9312. Rogers and MTS Mobility cellular customers can also reach Security Services by dialing #555.
Food Services will be reduced, however some locations will remain open as identified below. Students are encouraged to bring their own lunch during the strike.
Winnipeg Transit will operate and have indicated that they will cross the picket line. However, staff and students are encouraged to allow extra time to get to work and classes. The shuttle bus will also operate but may experience some delays. Special arrangements have been made to continue on campus (Fort Garry) transportation for students with disabilities.
Regular custodial services are not available. Arrangements are in progress to ensure the washroom facilities will be maintained. Garbage bins are scheduled to be placed on campus and they will be emptied on a regular basis. Cleaning of individual offices will not be provided. Staff and student support in caring for the campus is appreciated. Maps showing the location of the garbage bins will be posted across campus and on the University web site.
Services will be provided so that the following sports facilities are operational:
* Max Bell Ice Rink and Field House
* Investors Group Athletic Centre
* Joyce Fromson Pool
The surfaces of the stadium infield and the soccer practice fields will be maintained.
An Information Hotline (943-8636) has been set up with a recorded message to provide information to the community about the services of the University during the strike. Additional inquiries can be made by checking the University of Manitoba web site www.umanitoba.ca http://www.umanitoba.ca/ or by contacting the strike call centre during regular working hours at 474-9963.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
cc Dr. E.J.E. Szathmáry
Dr. R. Kerr
Dr. J. Keselman
Ms E. Goldie