You are receiving this email because you are currently registered for Fall 2013 courses at the University of Manitoba. This email contains important information for the start of your year! Some students may have received this message twice; we apologize for any inconvenience.
Registrar's Office
To all U of M students,
Welcome (back) to the University of Manitoba! Please read below for important information for students returning to the U of M for Fall Term 2013.
REMINDER: If you are not attending the U of M this Term, you must withdraw from your courses before September 18th*. Students who do not withdraw from their Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term spanned courses by September 18th will be required to pay the full tuition and fees for all courses in which they are registered even if they do not attend classes.
*Most students will use Aurora Student to withdraw from courses. If you have any difficulty, please contact your faculty/advising officehttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/tutorial/academic-advisors.html.
Did you know...? There is a new Electronic Communications with Students Policy at the U of M - when communicating with you electronically, the university will only use your U of M email account. * Check your inbox often to avoid missing important messages. * The university has also introduced a new and improved email system for students. * Find out more and activate your new myumanitoba email account umanitoba.ca/studentemailhttp://umanitoba.ca/ist/email/studentemailindex.html.
Fee Dates and Deadlines: Wednesday, September 4 Last day for regular registration and Fall 2013 fee payment deadline * Avoid the lines - pay online! * Fees are due by 4:30pm. * Late Fees will apply if: o you are registered for the Fall 2013 Term and do not pay the balance in full by the deadline. o you are a sponsored student and your Tuition Sponsorship arrangements have not yet been made. o you expect to receive a Government Student Loan** and have not yet requested a fee payment deferral. **Current loans only. o your initial registration and payment is after September 4.
Resources: Fee Paymenthttp://umanitoba.ca/admin/financial_services/revcap/StudentAccounts.htm, Non-Paymenthttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/fees/828.html, Late Feeshttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/fees/827.htm, Sponsorship Informationhttp://umanitoba.ca/admin/financial_services/revcap/sponsorship.htm, Financial Aid & Awardshttp://umanitoba.ca/student/fin_awards/
Wednesday, September 18 Last day to make changes to Fall 2013 and Fall 2013/Winter 2014 spanned courses * The Fall 2013 registration revision period is September 5 to September 18; students may make changes to their course registration during this time. Don't forget to check your fee assessment after any changes! * Fees resulting from registration during these dates are due by September 18 or late fees will apply. * This is the last date to withdraw from a Fall Term 2013 or Fall 2013/Winter 2014 spanned courses without financial penalty. * No refund will be given for the Fall 2013 portion of courses dropped after this September 18; course dropped after this date will be recorded as Voluntary Withdrawals (VWs).
Resources: Academic Schedulehttp://crscalprod1.cc.umanitoba.ca/Catalog/ViewCatalog.aspx?pageid=viewcatalog&catalogid=240&chapterid=2309&loaduseredits=False, Late Registrationhttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/registration/1061.html, Withdrawal from Classeshttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/leave_return/695.html, Changing/Dropping Courseshttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/registration/963.html
Wednesday, September 30 Last day to opt-out of the UMSU Health & Dental Plan * Most students are automatically assessed fees for the UMSU Health & Dental Plan. o For those not automatically assessed, the opt-in deadline is also September 30. * Opt-out period: September 1 to September 30.
Resources: General Provisionshttp://www.umsu.ca/services-a-programs-umsumenu-3/health-a-dental-plan-umsumenu-4/general-provisions-umsumenu-63, Health & Dental Feeshttp://www.umsu.ca/services-a-programs-umsumenu-3/health-a-dental-plan-umsumenu-4/health-a-dental-fees-umsumenu-134, Opt-Outhttp://www.umsu.ca/services-a-programs-umsumenu-3/health-a-dental-plan-umsumenu-4/health-a-dental-opt-out-umsumenu-99, Opt-Inhttp://www.umsu.ca/services-a-programs-umsumenu-3/health-a-dental-plan-umsumenu-4/opt-in-umsumenu-136, Family Coveragehttp://www.umsu.ca/services-a-programs-umsumenu-3/health-a-dental-plan-umsumenu-4/family-coverage-umsumenu-137
Registrar's Office umanitoba.ca/registrarhttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/index.html (p) 204 474 9420
Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success