What Defines You as a Student Writer?

My name is Kim Mitchell and I am a doctoral candidate in nursing at the University of Manitoba. I am currently conducting a study called “A Mixed-Methods Validation of a New Measurement of Writing Self-Efficacy.” In this study, students who have written for academic purposes in their undergraduate or graduate program, are invited to complete a short online survey asking them questions about how they feel about their capabilities as writers.
The link to this survey, if you choose to participate, can be found here: https://umnursing.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7NBDbNPPA7k37Nj
The survey is expected to take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete and can be completed on a smart phone or computer. We have designed the study to ensure that your confidentiality is protected at all times – before, during, and after this study. The Manitoba Centre for Nursing and Health Research staff will manage the anonymous survey to ensure your privacy.
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Your status in your educational program will not be affected in any way if you choose to participate or not.
Additional information about the study will be available on the online survey. The Education Nursing Research Ethics Board has approved this study. If you have any concerns about this project you may contact the Human Ethics Coordinator at 204.474.712 or at humanethics@umanitoba.camailto:humanethics@umanitoba.ca. If you have questions about this study, please contact Kim Mitchell at kmmitch@myumanitoba.camailto:kmmitch@myumanitoba.ca or her advisor Dr. Diana McMillan at Diana.McMillan@umanitoba.camailto:Diana.McMillan@umanitoba.ca
Kind Regards,
Kim Mitchell, Doctoral Candidate
Dr. Diana McMillan, Associate Professor
College of Nursing
Rady Faculty of Health Sciences
University of Manitoba
participants (1)
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