Millennium In-Course Award - Deadline EXTENSION!

*If you are a UM student who has_/ /just completed their 2nd year of a bachelor degree_, keep reading!** *(kindly disregard if this isn't for you)* * YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WORLD? WE CAN HELP YOU DO IT.
* Are you a leader? * Are you brimming with creativity & innovation? * Have you initiated projects that have improved the lives of those around you? * Do you have a strong academic record?
If so, consider applying for a *Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation National In-Course Award*.
*This award is open to students who, by the end of the 2008-2009 academic year, have completed:*
* *Second year - but NOT third year - of a current program leading to an associate bachelor or bachelor degree.*
*Further eligibility & applications are found here:** *EXTENDED DEADLINE: _TUESDAY, 19 MAY 2009_ * *
* Applications must be submitted online * Official transcripts MUST be submitted to the Financial Aid & Awards Office, marked "MILLENNIUM IN-COURSE"* *
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