DATE CORRECTION - Message from David T. Barnard, President and Vice-Chancellor

To Students, Faculty, Staff and Alumni:
On Thursday morning in Halifax, I will be making an important statement at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on behalf of the University of Manitoba. I will be addressing our past while expressing to Indian Residential School survivors and their families, and to the members of the commission, our sincere commitment to reconciliation.
The leadership demonstrated by the Faculty of Social Work in identifying the potential for the University of Manitoba to pursue this course of action, and Provost's Council's early endorsement, were critical.
The statement represents the work of many, and reflects advice and input from University of Manitoba scholars from a variety of academic disciplines. It has been endorsed by the Board of Governors Executive Committee and shared with the Board of Governors and the Senate Executive Committee. I would like to thank all of them for their counsel and input.
We are providing live streaming video of the statement at three locations in Winnipeg and one in Thompson.
. Migizii Agamik (Formerly Aboriginal House) - Fort Garry Campus
. Theatre C Medical Services Building - Bannatyne Campus
. Inner City Social Work Program - William Norrie Centre
. Northern Social Work Program - Faculty of Social Work, Thompson
Time: 11:15 a.m. (Winnipeg Time), Thursday October 27. The anticipated time for the statement is 11:30 a.m.
You are all invited to attend this event and share in the process of reconciliation that is the hallmark of the commission. You can also watch the statement live at
Thank you for your interest and support.
David T. Barnard, Ph.D., President and Vice-Chancellor
202 Administration Building, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2 Canada
Office: +1-204-474-9345 FAX: +1-204-261-1318
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