Effective immediately, to prevent the spread of viruses, the University Of Manitoba no longer allows receipt of executable files through an email.
Executable files can contain harmful code that might cause malicious software to download to your computer or shared folders. Common executable file types sent to you as an attachment in an email will automatically be removed from the message.
Examples include: .com, .exe, .isp, .jse, .vbs, .bat, etc.
Please note that zipped or compressed files (.zip, .tar, etc.) containing executable file extensions will also be blocked.
The following message will be added to the email you receive when an attachment has been removed. The sender will NOT receive a notification. ===== UofM Email Security Notice - EXECUTABLE FILE BLOCKED ===== The attachment(s) in this email has been removed. As a security measure, the U of M does not allow you to receive executable files by email as they may contain malicious software. Please contact the Service Desk if you have any questions at (204) 474-8600. If you need to send an email that contains an executable file please contact the Service Desk for assistance.
Thank you,
Service Desk
Information Services & Technology
University of Manitoba
123 Fletcher Argue
230 Neil John MacLean Library
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************************************************************************************************************* This communication is intended for the use of the recipient to which it is addressed, and may contain confidential, personal and/or privileged information. Please contact us immediately if you are not the intended recipient of this communication, and do not copy, distribute, or take action relying on it. Any communication received in error, or subsequent reply, should be deleted or destroyed. Please consider the environment before printing this email.
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