April 19 JUMP System problems

Please be advised that Information Services & Technology is currently experiencing an incident with the JUMP system. IST is investigating the root cause and is working towards restoring service as soon as possible.
We thank you for your patience as we work towards restoring service.
IST Help & Solutions Centre 123 Fletcher Argue 204-474-8600 support@umanitoba.ca
To sign up for IST-Alerts please visit the following link: http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/ist-alerts
Updated information is also available on Facebook, Twitter and the IST Blog. Please visit http://umanitoba.ca/ist/help and click on the corresponding links.
-- Robert V. Dvorski Shared Services Supervisor Help & Solutions Centre - Client Services Information Services & Technology University of Manitoba
robert.dvorski@ad.umanitoba.ca (204) 474-9865
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