Where We Are Today Addendum, ready for your review

Message from Michael Benarroch, President and Vice-Chancellor and Diane Hiebert-Murphy, Provost and Vice-President (Academic) [Image]
Dear UM community,
During the month of June, over 180 community members-including Senate, Board of Governors, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and stakeholder groups-contributed their feedback to the Where We Are Today report.https://umanitoba.ca/sites/default/files/2023-06/UMStrategicPlan-WhereWeAreToday-Report-FINAL.pdf
Through an online feedback form and in-person community consultation sessions, you were invited to tell us whether the priorities captured in the Where We Are Today report resonated with what was said during community consultation sessions in February and the online feedback form available in March.
We continue to be inspired by and grateful for your thoughtful feedback.
The feedback on the Where We Are Today report, now available in the Where We Are Today Addendumhttps://umanitoba.ca/sites/default/files/2023-08/StrategicPlan-WhereWeAreToday-Addendum.pdf, continues to showcase our share commitment to knowledge, research, community well-being, Reconciliation, and inclusivity. Despite areas of differing views-which reflect the strength and diversity of our community-common themes continued to emerge, such as prioritizing climate action, supporting the academic mission, and embracing diversity.
Your input has been, and will continue to be, an important part in guiding our path forward, and we are committed to incorporating your feedback and big ideas as we work on the next strategic plan for the University of Manitoba. We will be sharing a draft plan with the community in the Fall Term for further consultation as we start to identify and frame our community's shared aspirations.
Once again, thank you to all who have participated in the consultation process for the University of Manitoba's strategic plan so far, as well as our Strategic Planning Committee for their ongoing commitment and guidance.
Continue to watch the UM Strategic Plan websitehttps://umanitoba.ca/strategic-plan for updates and upcoming opportunities to provide feedback on the strategic planning process.
We hope you will continue to let us know what you think and continue to dream big.
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President's Office