University of Manitoba asks UMFA to allow vote on latest offer; weekend conciliation unsuccessful

Conciliation between the University of Manitoba and the University of Manitoba Faculty Association (UMFA) came to an unsuccessful end Sunday afternoon. The University immediately called on the UMFA negotiating team to take the University of Manitoba offer to UMFA members for a ratification vote before November 16, in an effort to minimize any further disruption to students' academic schedules. The University will continue calling for a vote in order to precipitate an end to the strike, which is about to enter its third week. "It is our belief that the UMFA negotiating team will not accept anything the University offers," explained John Kearsey, Vice-President (External) at the University of Manitoba. "They rejected our March offer, intended to allow them to settle before a possible change in government. They rejected our September 13 offer, which provided salary increases of seven per cent over four years. They rejected offers we made during mediation, with a mediator they chose. They rejected offers we made during conciliation. It has been disheartening, to say the least. We are bargaining with ourselves. Given the circumstances, we feel compelled to ask the UMFA negotiating team to present the University's offer to UMFA members for a vote. We want this strike to end. Our students want this strike to end." The conciliator's report is expected early this week. "UMFA negotiators have told us that two issues remain to be resolved, both of which the University indicated during conciliation that it would be willing - in the interest of ending the strike - to have sent to arbitration. This, too, was rejected by UMFA negotiators. It's extremely frustrating, particularly as we watch the distress this is causing our students." The University is advocating for the UMFA negotiating team to take the University offer to its members for a ratification vote before November 16, at which time further impacts on the academic schedule are triggered. Students are advised to continue checking for updates on the strike, changes to the academic schedule, a list of continuing classes and answers to common questions.
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