Event Initiation - Strategic Research Plan Engagement Session #4 - Thursday May 4, 2023

This message is sent on behalf of Dr. B. Mario Pinto, Vice-President (Research and International)
And Dr. Annemieke Farenhorst, Associate Vice-President (Research)
Dear University of Manitoba Community,
We invite you to attend the next Community Engagement Session as we continue our Strategic Research Planning process to develop a collective vision for the future of UM research.
Based on your feedback, the Strategic Research Planning Committee has identified five thematic areas:
* Climate Action and Sustainability * Food and Water Security * Health and Well-Being * Human Security and Equity * Indigenous Research In the fourth community engagement session, we will ask participants to discuss research impact, including how it should be measured beyond citation impact. For example, see NSERC's Forms of Contributions to Researchhttps://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/NSERC-CRSNG/Policies-Politiques/assessment_of_contributions-evaluation_des_contributions_eng.asp, which have been informed by the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORAhttps://sfdora.org/).
This session will allow for both in-person and virtual interactive small group discussions to address key questions.
Summaries from each group discussion will be shared with the larger group for an open conversation.
Event details below:
Date: Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 10:00 am Location: Marshall McLuhan Hall, Room 204, UMSU University Centre, 66 Chancellors Circle
This is a hybrid event, with both in-person and online options to attend. Please RSVP by May 1st by clicking here.https://forms.office.com/r/iJqRGbtS2v
If you plan to attend virtually, the Zoom link is: https://umanitoba.zoom.us/j/66182099680?pwd=TmpLVjMxMGZMUWR6KzBCbW9JRklPZz09
Please continue to visit the Strategic Research Planning pagehttps://umanitoba.sharepoint.com/sites/um-intranet-research-services/SitePages/Strategic-Research-Planning-Committee-(SRPC).aspx for updates on our progress.
We hope to see you there.
participants (1)
Office of the Vice-President Research and International