Strike Information Update for Students

Dear students, As the University and UMFA move through the second week of labour negotiations, we recognize and share your concerns about the impact the ongoing labour disruption will have on your studies. We expect there will be adjustments to the Voluntary Withdrawal date, exam period and the end of Fall Term, and there could possibly be a change to the start of Winter Term, depending on the length of the strike. Senate is responsible for approving any of these changes and will meet tomorrow. We will share Senate's decisions as soon as they are made. The longer the strike continues, the greater the impact on the academic year. We are listening to you, and working together with our colleagues across campus to find solutions, answer your questions and provide information to address the challenges you face. In the meantime, please continue to consult\Users\foggt\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary%20Internet%20Files\Content.Outlook\KH4M9USD\\strikeinfo for updates to the FAQs, the official list of continuing classes, and other important information. If you have any questions not answered there, please contact us through the site or by emailing Thank you for your ongoing patience during this difficult time. The response from students has been intelligent and respectful. I feel honoured to serve this community, and I know I'm not alone.
Susan Gottheil, Vice-Provost (Students)
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UM Student E-Mail Accounts