U Manitoba 2008-2009 Registration Information

Registrar's Office
July 9, 2008
Get ready for your 2008-2009 registration at the University of Manitoba.
Registration for most returning students will commence July 21.
. Find your registration time on Aurora Student. Log in and select Enrolment & Academic Records. Select Registration and then Registration Time & Status.
. Registration times were available on Aurora Student as of July 7. If you checked your time on July 7 to 9, please re-check your time as some registration times have since been corrected due to errors in the assignment of times.
. On this page you can also check to see if:
o You have any Holds that will prevent registration (including Advisor Holds for students in specific programs);
o Your academic status prevents registration (e.g. academic suspension);
o Your record is not currently active due to an absence from university.
If you have a Hold that prevents registration, click the View Holds link at the bottom of the page to see what type of Hold has been applied.
Note: if you have recently changed faculties and see that you have a Hold that is applicable to your old faculty, or if you have applied to graduate in October but are beginning a new program in September - contact a student advisor in your faculty to clear the Hold prior to registration.
. Students in some faculties must declare a major, minor or concentration once a specified number of credits have been earned. Your record may have a registration Hold if this applies to you.
. Students in the following faculties may declare a Major, Minor or Concentration through Aurora Student:
o Major: Arts (General and Advanced); Management (Asper School of Business)
o Minor: Arts (General and Advanced); Environment, Earth, & Resources (Riddell Faculty); and Human Ecology
o Concentrations: Human Ecology
. If you are planning to declare or change your major, Minor or Concentration but are not yet required to do so, please note you must do this prior to registration for the Fall/Winter terms.
What's New for 2008-2009
. Fee assessments for 2008-2009 registrations will be available on Aurora Student as of July 28.
. New Winter Term Fee Deadline
o The deadline for payment of Winter Term Fees has been moved up to Thursday, January 8th, 2009. In past years the Winter Term fee payment deadline has been the Winter Term Revision Deadline.
o UMEMERG is a new way for the U of M to contact you in case of a campus emergency. Simply register your cell phone to receive emergency messages as text messages. If you don't have a cell phone you can register another phone to receive a voice message.
o UMEMERG registration is available on the Personal Information and Registration menus of Aurora Student.
o UMEMERG will be used to send emergency messages only.
. UMSU Health & Dental
o If you have been approved by UMSU to opt out of the insurance plan, you are not required to include the premium amount in your fee payment to the university. Simply deduct the amount of the UMSU Health and Dental Insurance premium (see your Student Fee Account) from your term amount owing and pay the balance to the university. The UMSU Health and Dental premium amounts will be deducted from your Student Fee Account after the Fall Term revision deadline (September 17).
o You may apply to opt out of UMSU Health and Dental insurance coverage online. See the UMSU website at www.umsu.ca for details.
Calendar Corrections
. Written English and Mathematics Courses: The following courses satisfy the Written English Requirement and not the Mathematics Requirement as stated in the paper Undergraduate Calendar, p. 29, Appendix A:
GEOL 1410 Natural Disasters and Global Change, 3 Cr.Hrs GEOL 3130 Communication Methods in the Geological Sciences, 3 Cr.Hrs
Both courses are offered through the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources.
. In the Faculty of Pharmacy chapter, p. 437 of the paper Undergraduate Calendar, Section 5: Program Requirements, the total number of credit hours for First Year should be 33, making the total credit hours for all four years 140.
. In the General Studies section of the Extended Education chapter,
Section 4.1: Academic Assessment Policy indicated that academic regulations were under review. Please note the new regulations have been approved by Senate as described below. The revised regulations are also included in the web Calendar.
4.1 Academic Assessment Policy
Academic assessment gauges student success at the University. Formal academic assessment shall be done following each academic term for all General Studies students who have completed 30 credit hours or more of attempts. In order to be in "good standing" in General Studies, a student much achieve a Degree Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 or greater at each assessment period. Students in "good standing" may continue in General Studies or, preferably, transfer to a target faculty.
Students who do not achieve a Degree GPA of 2.00 will be placed "on probation", which will appear on the student's transcript. Once "on probation", a student will be allowed to register for another term (or terms). At each point of assessment, students "on probation" must achieve a Term GPA of 2.00 in order to proceed. In order to clear probation, a student must achieve a Degree GPA of 2.00. While "on probation", students are encouraged to consult regularly with the General Studies student advisor and always prior to registration.
If a student does not succeed in achieving a Term GPA of 2.00, they will be placed on "academic suspension" for one calendar year. A student on "academic suspension" is normally not allowed to register in another faculty or school at the University of Manitoba or to attend any other post-secondary institution during the time of suspension. Following the suspension period, a student may re-apply for admission to General Studies.
Section 4.4 Courses Available to General Studies Students
Please note the revised information below indicates that courses in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences may also be taken by students in General Studies without restriction.
All courses in the following faculties and schools are available to General Studies students. Prerequisites may be required for some courses as specified in the course descriptions.
Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
I.H. Asper School of Business
Please see the web Calendar for additional information on available courses.
Remember - Make sure you contact a student advisor:
. If you are unsure of your course selection and program requirements
. If you are planning to repeat a course or take an equivalent course
. If your program requires Advisor approval - check your Hold status in Aurora Student.
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