Aurora Student is back online - new security features in effect

To all UM students
Following a successful system upgrade, Aurora Student Self Service is now available. As part of the upgraded system, you will see enhanced security features. These include enhanced PIN functionality that allows a PIN to be 6 to 10 digits plus characters. Your PIN must contain numbers and may contain letters. Note: your current PIN will continue to work - you are not required to set a new PIN.
The other change you will see is that you are now required to set two Security Questions. You must choose questions from the list provided and may not create your own question. You will be required to select your new Security Questions and set your answers on your next log in to Aurora. To verify your identity or if you forget your PIN you may be required to answer one or both of these questions, either online or when talking to the Registrar's Office. * The answer to your security question must be a minimum of 2 characters. * Answers are not case sensitive. * It is recommended that you do not use punctuation in your answers. * Keep the answers simple and memorable. * Avoid using answers that friends and parents can guess.
Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success
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