An Important Message from the Registrar's Office - You are receiving this as a student at the University of Manitoba.
Fall 2024 Final Exam Period approaching
The Fall 2024 Final Exam period runs from December 10 - 20, 2024. The complete exam schedule can be found on the Final Exam Schedule webpagehttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-schedule, and your personal exam schedule is available through Aurorahttps://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin.
Please make sure to confirm your exam date, time, location, and format.
Covered in this email:
* Prepare for your in-person exams * Unauthorized materials in exams * Prepare for your online exams * Online exam issues * Exam conflicts and deferrals * Student access to final exams
Prepare for your in-person exam
1. Plan your arrival: Make sure you have a plan to get to campus early in case transport does not go as planned. Check out the classroom in which your exam is taking place in advance!
1. Supplies: Ensure you have the necessary writing utensils and some extras! Students must ensure that all items required for the examination are placed on top of the desk prior to the start of the examination.
1. Attendance & identification: Students must display their UM student ID card or government issued photo identification (such as a passport or driver's license) and are required to sign an attendance form.
1. Arriving late:
* Students who arrive more than 30 minutes after the start of the examination will not be permitted to write the examination. * Students who arrive less than 30 minutes late, will be permitted to write the examination, but must stop writing at the end of the scheduled exam time. * Students are not permitted to enter the examination room after at least one other student who is writing the same examination has left the examination room. * If you are late and not permitted to write an examination, you will be asked to complete the appropriate form by an invigilator and will then be advised to contact the Office of your Dean or Director no later than the next business day to discuss possible alternatives.
1. Illness/ emergency during your exam: If you become ill or receives word of a family emergency during the course of an examination and are unable to continue, you must report at once to the Head Invigilator, hand in the examination, and indicate either that you wish to submit your examination paper as: (1) completed; or (2) not completed and with the right to request a deferred examination.
1. Leaving the exam:
* Students are not permitted to leave the examination room during the first thirty (30) minutes of an examination. * Students are not permitted to re-enter an examination room until all examination scripts have been collected.
Unauthorized materials in exams
Students are not permitted to access any unauthorized materials during an examination. This includes but is not limited to calculators, books, notes, pencil cases, or any electronic device capable of wireless communication and/or storing information. However, students may bring in such materials or devices when permission has been given by the instructor.
Students may store valuables and personal items under the desk or chair of the examination room but may not have access to these items during the examination. Items stowed under the desk or chair must not obstruct the aisles of the examination room. Students must ensure that all items required for the examination are placed on top of the desk prior to the start of the examination.
Prepare for your online exam
Review our Final Exam Supports for Students pagehttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-supports-students. This page lays out the following steps to ensure that you are ready for your exam!
* Before your examhttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-supports-students#online-exams-support * Just before you take your examhttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-supports-students#online-exams-support * Starting your examhttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-supports-students#online-exams-support * During your examhttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-supports-students#online-exams-support * Submitting your examhttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-supports-students#online-exams-support
You should also review the UM connectivity guidelineshttps://umanitoba.ca/sites/default/files/2021-06/online-exam-recommendations-students-s1-final.pdf to ensure that you device is ready for the exam.
Online Exam Issues
If your web browser freezes: Close the browser. Open a new session and reconnect to your exam. UM Learn will allow you to continue. Your answers will have been saved, but the exam timer will continue to run even if you are not in UM Learn.
If your computer crashes: Restart computer and continue back into UM Learn. Your answers will have been saved, but the exam timer will continue to run even if you are not in UM Learn.
If your exam is in progress and you need IMMEDIATE SUPPORT: CALL 204-474-8600 or toll free (North America) 1-844-626-1756. UM Learn experts will be available to provide immediate service and a quick resolution to your inquiry. Take screenshots or note any error messages so we can assist you better.
DO NOT send e-mails or chats - you won't get a response in time.
Don't forget to email your instructor to report any difficulty. Attach screenshots if you can.
Exam Conflicts and Deferrals
If you have a conflict with your exam schedule or if you missed an exam, review the information on our Exam Conflicts and Deferrals pagehttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/conflicts-deferral. There is an FAQ to guide you to the correct resources.
* What if an exam conflicts with an upcoming event in my life?https://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/conflicts-deferral#what-if-an-exam-conflicts-with-an-upcoming-event-in-my-life * What if I have two exams at the same time?https://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/conflicts-deferral#what-if-i-have-two-exams-at-the-same-time * What if I missed an exam for reasons out of my control?https://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/conflicts-deferral#what-if-i-missed-an-exam-for-reasons-out-of-my-control * What if I have to leave during an exam?https://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/conflicts-deferral#what-if-i-have-to-leave-during-an-exam
NOTE: If you are writing a deferred exam in the upcoming Final exam period, contact your academic advisorhttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-advising to confirm your deferred exam details.
Student access to final exams
To allow proper feedback, students shall have an opportunity to read their own final examination script and any comments written on it prior to the deadline for a formal grade appeal, but only in the presence of the instructor or a staff member appointed by a faculty, school, or academic unit.
Notwithstanding the above, there is no obligation upon the faculty, school, or academic unit to make machine-scored examination answer sheets available for consultation by students. It is expected that faculties, schools, and academic units will provide appropriate means of feedback to students in such circumstances and, where practicable, will encourage instructors to discuss selected questions and answers.
We wish you the best of luck on your exams and the remainder of the Fall 2024 Term!
Registrar's Office umanitoba.ca/registrarhttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/index.html 400 UMSU University Centre University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Phone: 204-474-9420 Questions? Just askumanitobahttp://umanitoba.intelliresponse.com/! Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success
Student Affairs: Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences.
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Anisininew, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of Red River Métis.
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