Message from President David Barnard regarding COVID-19

To members of the University of Manitoba community:
The University of Manitoba today is taking measures to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 on its campuses and in the wider community, and, ultimately, to support the province's health care system.
Our plan today is to keep the University of Manitoba open. The campuses are not closed. However, we are limiting levels of on-campus activity in order to mitigate COVID-19 transmission.
I recognize that these actions will cause disruption and inconvenience, but as Manitoba's largest post-secondary institution with a student population of more than 29,000 and more than 10,000 full- and part-time faculty and staff, we have a responsibility to do all we can to lead the effort to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in this province.
My colleagues and I have consulted widely with other universities and our own health care experts, and, heeding the advice of public health authorities, we have made the determination that the need to act is now, while there is still a window of opportunity to make a positive impact and to the extent possible, help protect the community.
These measures are effective immediately and will stay in place until further notice.
These changes will take many forms as they unfold, but most critically they will involve:
* We are not cancelling classes or exams at this time. * Deans have been asked to work with their departments and faculty to make all course materials for the remainder of the term available online and to consider alternate assessment methods that can allow for social distancing practices. * The Registrar's Office is currently working on an alternate final examination schedule that would reduce the number of students in any given exam venue to incorporate best social distancing practices. * With respect to summer term, we will be looking at how we can employ on-line methods. * Co-op and integrated learning program leads are to look at contingency plans for students involved in off-site learning opportunities.
* University-sponsored events of 50 people or more will be cancelled or postponed. * Organizers of smaller events will be required to consider alternate ways of doing those events that need to proceed (e.g., not providing food, hosting in large spaces offering sufficient flexibility for social distancing, or hosting online versions of events)
* All university-related travel should be suspended for faculty, staff and students, where possible. Specific guidelines will be developed to assist in this process.
International Exchanges:
* All students on international placements will be advised to return to Canada. Planning is underway to address the implications for these students of leaving a placement prior to its completion.
Social Distancing
* Messages regarding physical contact, cough and sneeze etiquette, hand washing, the use of sanitizers and disinfectant wipe are being widely shared and circulated. * All employees who show flu-like symptoms must not report to work and take the advice provided by public health officials. * While keeping the university operational remains a priority, heads of units will assess options for staff to work from home. If feasible, work from home agreements will be initiated and support arrangements for the provision of the necessary tools to do so will be facilitated on a priority basis.
* We continue to urge our community to follow all health and safety protocols. * We will update the www.umanitoba.ca webpage with new information as it becomes available.
Those are the most important measures for you to note at this time. Please pay close attention to all the announcements and details that will follow, from the institutional sources (UM homepage, UMToday, emails), as well as information from your specific units, managers and instructors.
We will continue to keep student residences open, dining operations and other services and supports, where possible.
We ask everyone to adhere to the health and safety precautions already outlined in detail in our UMToday story and public health websites. Please keep at least two metres away from one another, wash your hands carefully and regularly, stay home if you are feeling ill, and follow all proper protocols.
None of these planned actions I have shared today with you are being taken lightly. I assure you that we are making decisions that we feel are the best for our immediate and wider community, and based on sound scientific advice. UM has been a leader for decades in global public health research and community outreach. We have a responsibility now to make every effort possible to play our part in meeting this current challenge.
While we take these proactive and preventive measures, members of our UM community continue to play a key role in directly addressing the impacts of COVID-19, medically, socially, economically, and in other relevant spheres. I thank them and express here our deeply felt support for their efforts.
Please join me in working together to play our part in keeping ourselves and our community as safe and healthy as possible.
I thank you for your understanding.
Sincerely, David
David T. Barnard, O.M., Ph.D., FRSC President and Vice-Chancellor 202 Administration Building, University of Manitoba Winnipeg MB R3T 2N2 Canada Email: [cid:image001.png@01D5F87D.1C9F4CA0]
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President's Office