Invitation from Deborah G. Young, Executive Lead, Indigenous Achievement, University of Manitoba - UM and TRC Signing Ceremony June 21, 2013

Please see the attached poster and information about the UM and TRC Signing Ceremony on June 21 from Deborah Young.
Dear Colleagues:
In February, 2012, the University of Manitoba submitted a proposal to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to host the National Research Centre on Residential Schools.
Our university submitted its proposal in keeping with its deep commitment to human rights research and promotion and to ensure oral and written material collected by the TRC is respectfully preserved, helps contribute to the healing of our society, and is accessible for use in teaching and research so the grave mistakes of the past are not repeated.
I am pleased to tell you that the University of Manitoba has been selected by the Commission as the host site for the National Research Centre on Residential Schools and we would be honoured if you could join us at the Signing Ceremony that will confirm this partnership.
The event, which we are co-hosting with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada, is being held Friday, June 21, 2013. It begins with Sacred Pipe and Water Ceremonies at 8 a.m. at Migizii Agamik - Bald Eagle Lodge, Fort Garry Campus, followed by the Signing Ceremony at EITC Atrium at 10:30 a.m.
The Signing Ceremony is also being live streamed via web cast. Please visit umanitoba.ca or trc.ca at 10:30 a.m. CST to access the Signing Ceremony web cast link.
This is an announcement of great significance for Canada and we want to share it with as many community members as possible. A full invitation is attached to this email. This event joins with communities' celebrations of National Aboriginal Day on June 21, and I sincerely hope you are able to make it.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Val Parker Office of the President Indigenous Achievement, University of Manitoba, 140 Migizii Agamik; Bald Eagle Lodge 114 Sidney Smith Street, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 T: (204) 474-8904 F: (204) 474-7805 E: W:
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