Have your voice heard in search for next U of M President

Have your voice heard in search for next U of M President Community consultation sessions scheduled for March The university has begun the process of finding a successor to Dr. Barnard, who will lead the University of Manitoba into the next decade. The presidential search committeehttp://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/governing_documents/officers/presidential_search_committee_membership.html is engaging in a community consultation process to guide the evaluation and recommendation of candidates. You are invited to share your advice, opinions and thoughts on:
* the key opportunities and challenges faced by the U of M
* the key qualities and characteristics you would like to see in the next president All members of the University of Manitoba community are invited to attend these open community consultation sessions: Fort Garry campus: Thursday, March 7 12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Senate Chamber, Room E3-262, Engineering and Information Technology Complex (EITC)
Bannatyne campus: Thursday, March 14 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Theatre A, Basic Medical Sciences Building
Your views and insights are vital to informing the recommendations of the presidential search committee. If you are unable to attend these sessions and would like to provide input:
* Send an email to Jeff.Leclerc@umanitoba.camailto:Jeff.Leclerc@umanitoba.ca before March 15
* Send a written submission in confidence to:
Jeff Leclerc, Room 312, Administration Building
* Make an anonymous submission via the presidential search websitehttp://umanitoba.ca/admin/governance/governing_documents/officers/presidential_search_feedback.html
* Forward names of individuals who you believe to be suitable candidates for the position to the search consultants at Emily.Jarvis@perrettlaver.commailto:Emily.Jarvis@perrettlaver.com
participants (1)
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