Winter Term 2008 VW Deadline and Summer Session Registration

Reminder: The Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline for Winter Term 2008 and Fall/Winter 2007/2008 (spanned) courses is Thursday, March 20. You can withdraw from classes through Aurora Student. Students who are on Hold due to outstanding tuition, library books, parking fines, etc. must obtain assistance from a student advisor in their academic unit or the Registrar's Office.
Summer Session registration commences the week of March 24 to March 28. Students will be assigned one day during this week in which to register. Each day during this first week of registration an equal number of spaces are released to the registration system. There is no advantage to students who are assigned a registration day that is earlier in the week.
Beginning Monday, March 31 all students may register. Check for your registration time on Aurora Student > Enrolment & Academic Records > Registration > Registration Time and Status.
Please note:
. Register at your earliest opportunity. Space is limited and courses that are in high demand will fill during the first week of registration or shortly after.
. If you are planning to repeat a course you must obtain approval from your faculty/school/University 1 office prior to registration.
. Check course descriptions to ensure you are not selecting a course that may not be held for credit with a course you have already completed toward your degree or intended program.
. Check course descriptions to ensure you have the prerequisite for courses you have selected.
. Note changes made to the Student Fee Account in Aurora Student. Fee Deadlines are based on the start date or 'part of term' in which course is offered. The total amount owing for Summer Session is displayed on the main fee account screen in Aurora. Click on the link below the Summer Session fee term to display amounts owing with each associated fee deadline.
. Students who register for Summer Session courses are responsible for all assessed fees. Your registration will not be cancelled for non-payment of fees, however, student with outstanding balances after the fee deadline will be placed on Hold. If you decide not to attend a course(s) you have registered in, make sure you withdraw your registration prior to the start of the class to ensure that fee assessment is reversed.
. Note that some fees, including Field Work Fees are non-refundable upon registration. You may view Field Work Fees and Lab Fees attached to courses by clicking on the class link in the Class Schedule.
Neil Marnoch
Registrar, University of Manitoba
400 University Centre
204 474 9425
participants (1)