[An important message from the Registrar's Office]
An Important Message from the Registrar’s Office - You are receiving this email as our records indicate you are registered in a Winter 2023 course at the University of Manitoba.
Happy New Year and Welcome (back) to the University of Manitoba!
Read on for ten tips and bits of helpful information to help you get the new term off to a good start.
Included in this email:
1. Activate your UM Net ID 2. Know the Dates that apply to you 3. Tuition and Fees 4. Verify your SIN 5. About Tax Forms 6. Summer Term 2023 7. Photo ID Cards 8. UM Achieve 9. Health Insurance / Coverage 10. Helpful Contacts
1. Activate your UM Net ID:
If you’re a new student, you will need to activate your UM Net ID to use your UM email, and to access important programs like Aurora and UM Achieve. Please visit IST’s Sign UM information pagehttps://umanitoba.ca/computing/ist/service_catalogue/access/accounts/2513.html to activate your UM Net ID.
2. Know the dates that apply to you: It is important to familiarize yourself with the upcoming important dates. For a full list of dates, please visit the Important Dates and Deadlines pagehttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/important-dates-deadlines.
Winter 2023 course registration dates:
Jan 9, 2023
First day of classes for Winter 2023 Courses for most courses.
Jan 9-23, 2023
Registration revision period.
Jan 20, 2023
Jan 23, 2023
Last day to drop, Winter Term and Winter/Summer Term spanning courses without financial or academic penalty.
Last day to ADD Winter and Winter/Summer term spanning course.
Dates will vary for courses that are irregularly scheduled. Check the revision deadlines for your course in the Aurora Class Schedule.
Voluntary withdrawal (VW) deadlines:
Jan 20, 2023
VW Date for Fall/Winter Term spanning courses*
Mar 22, 2023
VW Date for Winter Term courses.
May 11, 2023
Winter/Summer Term Voluntary Withdrawal (VW) deadline.
* If you withdraw from a Fall/Winter Term spanning course before the VW date you will receive a VW for the course, but you will not be charged the Winter Term portion of the fees. Dates will vary for courses that are irregularly scheduled. Check the withdrawal deadline for your course in the Aurora Class Schedule.
3. Tuition and Fees:
Winter 2023 Term Fees are due: Feb. 7, 2023 at 4:30 pm.
Please note: After the published fee payment deadline, student accounts with an outstanding balance for the term will be assessed late fees and a Hold is placed on those accounts restricting access to the most administrative and academic services. To access fee payment information in Aurora:
* Login to Aurorahttps://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=bmenu.P_MainMnu. * Select ‘Enrolment & Academic Records’. * Select ‘Registration & Exams’ or ‘Student Records’. * Select ‘View Account Summary by Term’. Additional Resources: Fee Payment Optionshttps://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/financial_services/revcap/payment.html, Non or late Paymenthttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/tuition-fees/pay-your-tuition#what-if-i-dont-pay-on-time, Sponsorship Informationhttps://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/financial_services/revcap/sponsorship.html, Financial Aid & Awardshttps://umanitoba.ca/financial-aid-and-awards. ________________________________
4. Verify your SIN:
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has made it mandatory for the University of Manitoba to collect the Social Insurance Numbers (SINs) of students. This information is required to produce your Canadian tax form, T2202 (Tuition and Enrolment Certificate).
These tax changes have been in effect since the 2019 tax year, so if you are a returning student and have already added your SIN in Aurora, you do not have to add it again.
How to add your Social Insurance Number (SIN) in Aurora:
* Login to Aurorahttps://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=bmenu.P_MainMnu. * Select ‘Personal Information’. * Select ‘Verify my SIN’.
5. About Tax form Types:
Tax forms are released annually, towards the end of February and are ONLY available online through your Aurora Account.
T2202’shttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/tax-information#t2202-tuition-tax-credit: A T2202 form is for the tuition tax credit, these forms are issued to students and are used to claim the Tuition Tax Credit.
T4A’shttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/tax-information#t4a-slips: A T4A slip reports income from many different sources. As a student, your T4A slip will report the scholarship or bursary income you received while you were registered at the University of Manitoba.
To access your tax forms:
* Login to Aurorahttps://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage. * Select ‘Enrolment & Academic Records’. * Select ‘Canadian Tax Forms’ * Select either ‘T2202’ or ‘T4A’ * Your tax form will automatically open.
6. Summer Term 2023: Summer 2023 registration begins in March 27. The preliminary summer term schedule is already available to view in Aurorahttps://aurora.umanitoba.ca/banprod/bwckctlg.p_disp_dyn_ctlg.
Summer Term 2023 Registration Dates:
Mar 20, 2023
Registration Access Times available in Aurora.
Mar 27-30, 2023
Initial Registration Period (with gradual space release in effect where applicable).
Mar 31, 2023 –
Registration Closed (12:00 am - 1:00 pm), and reopens at 1:00 to all students
7. Photo ID Cards: Photo ID cards are provided in-person at the Registrar’s Office on the 4th floor of UMSU University Centre.
* Hours of operation for Photo ID cards are: * Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM * Wednesday 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM * Extended hours will be available on the following dates: * Monday, January 9th, at 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM * Tuesday, January 10th at 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM * To avoid spending time standing in a physical line, you will need to check in online to get your spot in the queue. You will receive messages by text when it is your turn to come to the Registrar’s Office. * Students who already have a Photo ID card do not need a new one each year/term. * More information about ID cards can be found on our website.
Take note: Photo ID cards are required to obtain a U-Pass for Winnipeg Transit bus service. U-Pass cards are provided by UMSU.
For more information on Student ID cards, visit our Student ID cards pagehttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/photo-id#student-id-cards! ________________________________
8. UM Achieve: UM Achievehttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/um-achieve is your degree planning tool, available at the click of a button! UM Achieve lets you plan ahead with your degree and helps you stay on track. UM achieve will:
* Track your academic progress. * Map the requirements in your current degree program. * Estimate your time to degree completion. Access UM Achieve through your JUMP account. If you have questions about your audit, contact your Academic Advisor Undergraduatehttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-advising#find-your-specialized-advisor. ________________________________
9. Health Insurance / Coverage There are two types of health coverage that students have access to. Read on for more information on each, to see what is applicable to you.
UMSU Health and Dental: is supplemental health insurance provided to all students. For more information on UMSU Health and Dental insurance, please see:
* Coveragehttp://studentcare.ca/rte/en/IHaveAPlan_UniversityofManitoba_Home. * How to opt-outhttp://studentcare.ca/rte/en/IHaveAPlan_UniversityofManitoba_ChangeofCoverage_OptOuts.
International Student Health Coverage: is insurance provided to international students, providing primary health coverage. This insurance is mandatory unless you are already covered. For more information please see:
* Manitoba International Student Health planhttps://mishp.ca/. * UM’s page on International Student Health Coveragehttps://umanitoba.ca/current-students/international/health-coverage.
10. Helpful Contacts: There are many different areas at UM, see the list below for departments and offices you may need to connect with over the Winter Term: UM Student Help Have questions? Not sure who to ask? The UM Student Help is a team of Student Service Navigators who can point you in the right direction. They’re here to help you find the answers you need when you need them – seven days a week! Contact UM Student Help: Phone 204-474-8242 UM Student Help Chat Live chathttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-advising/vahc-chat Email umhelp@umanitoba.camailto:umhelp@umanitoba.ca
Your Faculty / Advisor Academic Advisors are here to assist you as you enter university, as you navigate the options and choices that open up to you, and work with you to develop the skills and abilities needed for university.
* Each faculty will have their own contact, to find your advisors contact information, visit the Academic Advising Pagehttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-advising#find-your-specialized-advisor.
The Registrar’s Office The Registrar’s Office is a key information hub on campus. The Registrar's Office coordinates information about enrolment, academic, and financial records. For more information, please visit the Registrar’s Office page. Contact the Registrar’s Office: Phone 204-474-9420
Cashiers Office The Cashier’s Office coordinates fee payments. If you have questions about making a payment, or regarding a payment you have already made, they can help! Note: If you have general questions about your fee assessment, please contact the Registrar’s Office. Contact the Cashiers Office: Phone 204-474-9433 Email stdntfee@umanitoba.camailto:stdntfee@umanitoba.ca
International Centre The international Centre helps support international students coming to UM. They are available to help and support you as you settle into life at UM. Contact the International Centre: Phone 204-474-8501 Email international@umanitoba.camailto:international@umanitoba.ca
Financial Aid and Awards The Financial Aid and awards office coordinates scholarships, bursaries and assists with student loan related matters. If you have a confirmation of return to school form, you will submit it here. Contact Financial Aid and Awards Office: Phone 204-474-9531 Email awards@umanitoba.camailto:awards@umanitoba.ca
Student Affairs – Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences
Registrar’s Office umanitoba.ca/registrarhttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar 400 UMSU University Centre University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Phone: 204-474-9420 Questions? Just askumanitobahttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/ask-umanitoba-contact! Student Affairs – Leaders in cultivating exceptional student experiences
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