The WRENCH could use your help to prepare for the Cycle of Giving (COG). They also could use your help at the Cycle of Giving December 12/13. Check out http://thewrench.ca/wordpress/help/#cog for more info on how you can help.
Can’t make it to help, consider donating bikes, parts, or $ to help The WRENCH make COG a huge success again this year.
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From: The Wrench <cog@thewrench.ca mailto:cog@thewrench.ca > Date: December 4, 2015 at 11:09:28 AM CST Subject: Pre-Cycle of Giving Volunteer Opportunities Reply-To: The Wrench <cog@thewrench.ca mailto:cog@thewrench.ca >
Hello Everyone,
As you're probably aware, WRENCH's 5th Annual Cycle of Giving is fast approaching! We're getting excited to have everyone out to our new venue this year at 1609 Elgin Ave WEST on December 12th & 13th to help build over 300 bikes for kids.
But with such a big event comes a lot of work to prepare for it. We're now closing down our regular shop hours and going into full on prep-mode, but we can't do it on our own. If you'd like to come help us strip down bikes for parts, sorting & organizing them, and prepare to move all of our gear to the Cycle of Giving location, here's some times when we're looking for people to help us out with that:
Saturday, December 5th 1:00-5:00pm Thursday, December 10th 12:00-6:00pm Friday, December 11th 10:00am-6:00pm
Feel free to pop into WRENCH during any of these time frames to help out. If you have any questions about these volunteer opportunities, or with volunteering at the Cycle of Giving itself, please send an e-mail to Jon Benson at cog@thewrench.ca mailto:cog@thewrench.ca
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