Good Evening,
Green Action Centre will be hosting this upcoming webinar from 12 - 1 pm on Tuesday January 20th at the Manitoba Eco-Centre (3rd Floor, 303 Portage Avenue), followed by a brief discussion.
Hope you can bring your lunch and join us!
[image: Active Transportation Policy Case Studies and Maps Webinar] Active Transportation Policy Case Studies and Maps Webinar What: Webinar When: January 20, 2015 Time: 12:00 PM CDT Active Transportation Policy Case Studies and Maps Webinar The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer will host a one-hour webinar on January 20th from 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT. By attending you'll learn about our active transportation policy resources and how they can be applied to your work:
- Active Transportation Policy Case Studies http://www.cancerview.ca/policycasestudies - Active Transportation Policy Case Study Summary Sheets hhtp://www.cancerview.ca/policycasestudies - Canadian Municipal Active Transportation Policy Map http://www.cancerview.ca/cv/portal/Home/PreventionAndScreening/PSProfessionals/PSPrevention/PreventionPoliciesDirectory/PPDPolicyMap/PPDMunicipalMap?lang=en - Provincial/Territorial Active Transportation Policy Maps http://www.cancerview.ca/cv/portal/Home/PreventionAndScreening/PSProfessionals/PSPrevention/PreventionPoliciesDirectory/PPDPolicyMap/PPDProvincalTerritorialMap?lang=en
**Note: This webinar will only be offered in English.*