From: Bike to the Future admin@biketothefuture.org Sent: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:57:39 -0600 Subject: [Bike to the Future] Public Consultations for AT infrastructure ... and more
Public Consultations for AT infrastructure
In December 2009, Winnipeg City Council approved $20.4 million in capital funding to support an extensive active transportation network throughout the city. The funding comes from the three levels of government. This active transportation program involves the creation of 35 projects that range from multi-use pathways to bike boulevards. It is critical that the infrastructure is built to the highest standards possible, and that it is built for everyone to access.
5 public consultation drop-in sessions have been scheduled during the next 11 days. Bike to the Future will be formally submitting input, but it is vital that the City receives as much public input from cyclists as possible. We've been assured the input will be heard. * Fort Rouge / River Heights routes: Saturday January 30th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Earl Grey Community Centre, 360 Cockburn Street North * Yellow Ribbon Trail connection to the east: Tuesday February 2nd from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at Silver Heights Community Centre, 2080 Ness Ave * Sherbrook / Maryland South: Wednesday February 3rd from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at Westminster United Church, Maryland St and Westminster Ave * Sherbrook / Maryland North: Thursday February 4th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM at St Matthews Anglican Church, Maryland St and St. Matthews Ave * Berry / Ferry: Thursday February 4th from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Bourkevale Community Centre, 100 Ferry Road
More info is at http://biketothefuture.org under Upcoming Events.
More public consultation drop-in sessions will be announced in the very near future, so please check http://biketothefuture.org for updates.
Background: $20million of active transportation infrastructure will be built in Winnipeg in 2010
Osborne Bridge Rehabilitation -- Open House
Saturday January 30th from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM at Holy Rosary Church Hall, 510 River Avenue
Learn more about the Osborne Bridge rehabilitation. Chat with project representatives, read storyboards, and view the project options and drawings. The City wants to know what you think.
More details are at http://biketothefuture.org under Upcoming Events.
Walking & Cycling Success: Perspectives from communities who are 'building it right'
This session was scheduled for this evening (Monday January 25th), but today's winter storm has postponed it to tomorrow evening. * Tuesday January 26th at 6:30 PM at the Manitoba Theatre for Young People building at The Forks
In 2010, the City of Winnipeg will be spending $20 million on active transportation infrastructure as a result of Federal Stimulus Funding. Please join us to hear perspectives from Quebec and Minneapolis -- communities who are 'building it right'. Complete info about the evening
Kevin Miller
Bike to the Future, Co-Chair
____________________________________ Bike to the Future -- announcements announce@lists.biketothefuture.org http://biketothefuture.org