From: Building It Right buildingitright@mts.net Sent: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 15:20:41 -0600 Subject: RESCHEDULED: 'Building It Right' event has been RESCHEDULED!
We are happy to report that the 'Building It Right' event has been rescheduled.
Tuesday January 26th, 2010 Manitoba Theatre for Young People building, The Forks
6:30 pm: Registration & refreshments - limited seating. 7:00 pm: Opening remarks from the Government of Canada, Province of Manitoba and City of Winnipeg RSVP: BuildingItRight@mts.net Limited seating Free: Everyone Welcome!
For details, go to http://biketothefuture.org/events/archives/2010/01/12/walking-cycling-succes... .
Thank you - the organizers and sponsors of Walking & Cycling Successes - Perspectives on 'building it right'
Organized & sponsored by: Province of Manitoba www.gov.mb.ca The Forks www.theforks.com Winnipeg Trails Association www.WinnipegTrails.ca One Green City www.OneGreenCity.com
Supporting Sponsors: City of Winnipeg www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/ActiveTransportation The Centre for Sustainable Transportation www.centreforsustainabletransportation.org Bike to the Future www.biketothefuture.org Prairie Pathfinders Walking Club www.prairiepathfinders.mb.ca Resource Conservation Manitoba www.resourceconservation.mb.ca Manitoba Cycling Association www.cycling.mb.ca
Refreshment Sponsors: Marr Consulting www.marrcc.com Stantec www.stantec.com