"*The Surprising Power of Parking Management*" (https://bit.ly/2SzKRVT ). This Reinventing Parking podcast includes a discussion by Paul Barter and Todd Litman concerning how parking management can help solve diverse urban problems. Put simply, conventional development practices require housing for cars not people, resulting in 2-6 off-street parking spaces per vehicle and a shortage of affordable housing. More efficient management can reduce the number of parking spaces needed to serve a destination, providing huge savings and benefits. Everybody wins!
One of his comments, for example, is that the cost of a parking space in an urban area is more than the cost of the car that parks there. The general theme is that we usually pay for parking indirectly through taxes, cost of housing or the cost of a commercial development. Litman argues that instead of making parking "free" to users and providing more parking than the estimated need under these conditions, we should provide a more moderate supply of parking and deal with any excess parking demand through various management approaches, like sharing parking among users. He points out that cheap parking distorts people's transportation decisions, and that where the cost of parking is paid by users they decide to use or buy cars less often.