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The National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy (NCCHPP) seeks to increase the expertise of public health actors across Canada in healthy public policy through the development, sharing and use of knowledge. Contact ushttp://netmail.ccnpps.ca/redirect.aspx?id=228366&idcampagne=2317&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncchpp.ca%2f43%2fContact_Us.ccnpps . *_______________________________________________*
*In the Spotlight this Month - Traffic Calming *. Despite its advantages, motorized traffic has worrisome effects on determinants of health such as collisions, injuries and deaths, air quality, environmental noise and physical activity related to active transportation. Traffic calming offers a way to intervene on the built environment that has significant potential to mitigate these adverse effects and improve the health of exposed populations.
*www.flickr.com / Payton Chung* *
* In the coming months, the NCCHPP will release different resources related to traffic calming. Click here to learn morehttp://netmail.ccnpps.ca/redirect.aspx?id=228366&idcampagne=2317&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncchpp.ca%2f174%2fNews.ccnpps%3fid_article%3d653 .
If you wish to be informed of the release of NCCHPP's resources in traffic calming, click here to go to our subscriptions pagehttp://netmail.ccnpps.ca/redirect.aspx?id=228366&idcampagne=2317&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncchpp.ca%2f72%2fSubscribe.ccnpps, and then check the box for "Traffic Calming". . *Traffic Calming: An Equivocal Concept *
The concept of traffic calming encompasses interventions associated with different goals, objectives, principles and way of thinking about the street network and its problems.
This briefing note clarifies three meanings of the concept of traffic calming by recounting the historical evolution of the concept. This approach allows for a description of the diverse goals, objectives and means associated with traffic calming.
Click here to read morehttp://netmail.ccnpps.ca/redirect.aspx?id=228366&idcampagne=2317&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncchpp.ca%2f175%2fPublications.ccnpps%3fid_article%3d648 .
Click here to download the documenthttp://netmail.ccnpps.ca/redirect.aspx?id=228366&idcampagne=2317&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.ncchpp.ca%2fdocs%2fConceptTrafficCalming_EN.pdf . PDF 856 K
[image: Image - cover page of the document - click to download]