30 Jun
30 Jun
8:37 p.m.
Hi all,
The public handoff of the Provincial Active Transportation Advisory Group's report occurred today, at the corner of Shorehill Dr. and Bishop Grandin Blvd, in conjunction with a funding announcement for the 'Shorehill Trail'. Minister Lemieux and Minister Selby had great remarks - I've attached my remarks, as Chair of the advisory group.
The report can be found here http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/pdf/atag_report6.pdf http://www.gov.mb.ca/conservation/pdf/atag_report6.pdf
We had a super turn out of AT supporters representing key organizations in the far southeast corner of Winnipeg - considering we had a 3 hour notice.
Thank you - and have a great Canada Day!
Janice Lukes 952-4222