Thanks Beth, This recent National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy document on safe active transportation and aging may also be of interest.
Sarah Prowse Healthy Public Policy Specialist 2nd floor - 490 Hargrave Street Winnipeg, MB R3A 0X7
Telephone 204 801 3255 Fax 204 940-2690 Email sprowse@wrha.mb.camailto:sprowse@wrha.mb.ca
Bike racks are available in front of the building at the corner of Hargrave and McDermot. Plan your Winnipeg Transit trip: http://winnipegtransit.com/en/navigo
________________________________ From: at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca] on behalf of Beth McKechnie [beth@greenactioncentre.ca] Sent: April 20, 2017 7:54 AM To: AT network Subject: [At-network] Cycling Without Age: Winnipeg Launch May 2
Excited to share the news that a Winnipeg chapter of Cycling Without Age is launching on Tuesday, May 2nd, 10:30am at the Riverview Health Centre Foundation. Ole Kassow, the founder of the organization, will be present.
Spearheaded by Michael & Wendy Erlanger after a visit to Copenhagen, the Winnipeg chapter will be the 10th in Canada (see listhttp://cyclingwithoutage.com/chapters-canada/). There's also a nice write-uphttp://www.winnipegfreepress.com/our-communities/souwester/Enjoy-a-ride-no-matter-your-mobility-419643973.html in yesterday's Sou'wester.
Please see the attached invite for details and be sure to RSVP by Monday, April 24 to cwawinnipeg@gmail.commailto:cwawinnipeg@gmail.com if you plan to attend.
cheers, Beth
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Beth McKechnie <beth@greenactioncentre.camailto:beth@greenactioncentre.ca> Date: Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 12:04 PM Subject: Cycling Without Age: Why you should take a senior for a bike ride To: AT network <at-network@lists.umanitoba.camailto:at-network@lists.umanitoba.ca>
If you need a smile and a good news story, read the whole articlehttp://ideas.ted.com/why-you-should-take-a-senior-on-a-bike-ride/. Would be wonderful to pilot this in Winnipeg!
* * * * * Copenhagener Ole Kassow launched a program to bring older Danes on bicycle outings. Now volunteer pilots in 29 countries are taking their passengers on the road.
It all started with a friendly wave. In 2012, Copenhagen native Ole Kassow’s daily cycling commute took him past a nursing home. Every morning, the management consultant would see impeccably dressed 97-year-old Thorkild, who’d greet him from a spot on a bench, a walker by his side. Kassow wondered about the last time the man — and the home’s other residents — had been on a bike. “Because most Copenhageners love cycling, I assumed he’d love to go back out in his community, to interact with his neighbors, and do something he’d probably always done in his life,” he says. He received permission from home staff to take a senior for a ride in a rental trishaw — a cargo tricycle with a low passenger compartment that goes in front of the cyclist. This ride eventually led Kassow to create the nonprofit Cycling Without Agehttp://cyclingwithoutage.org/, an initiative that now includes more than 250 chapters in 29 countries.
Beth McKechnie | Workplace Commuter Options
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