Please find below a link to a daily roundup of presentations here at Velocity 2016 in Nantes. Proud to present a couple made-in-winnipeg transportation planning solutions from Green Action Centre, as well as represent the Winter Cycling Federation as we prepare for Minneapolis 2016.
You can follow me on twitter for some salient points (@SwansonAnders or @counterpointapp). Also note, the exhibitors booths here are expansive and has just about everything in terms of the latest bike parking, bike share, gis analysis tools, encouragement programs, etc. If there is anything you are burning to learn about or a catalogue you'd like to have brought back to Winnipeg, let me know and I'll do my best to look into it for you.
Kindly, Anders
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: *ECF Newsletter* noreply@ecf.com Date: Thursday, June 4, 2015 Subject: Velo-city Roundup Day 2: Opening Plenary, COP21, Bike Parade and more! To: andersswanson@gmail.com
This is the ECF Newsletter dedicated to the Velo-city Conference 2015 in Nantes. These are the highlights from the second day. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=73377cf329&e=b062ccd05b . *It is Velo-city 2015 and here comes our second news round-up from the conference in Nantes, France!*
To keep you up-to-date on all the most relevant news from the world’s largest cycling convention, we will be sending you one edition with daily highlights each day for the rest of the week. This is a news digest – click the ‘more’ links if you’re looking to follow the event more closely. You can also find more information on our special Live website http://ecf.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=55b45279dd&e=b062ccd05b and, naturally, on social media.
Here is a selection of what’s been happening on the second day at #velocity15:
- We are all future makers <#14dbd2e6d3e516d4_mctoc1> - Opening Plenary - Cycling towards COP21 <#14dbd2e6d3e516d4_mctoc2> - Infrastructure: Innovation, Parking Solutions and Attractive Design <#14dbd2e6d3e516d4_mctoc3> - Bike Parade <#14dbd2e6d3e516d4_mctoc4> - Velo-city Nantes Industry Day <#14dbd2e6d3e516d4_mctoc5> - Change the Rules! Promoting Cycling with More or Less Regulation <#14dbd2e6d3e516d4_mctoc6>
We are all future makers
Velo-city 2015, the world’s biggest cycling conference, kicks off in Nantes, France with a wide-ranging programme that covers all cycling related topics from cycling infrastructure to cycling culture. This event gathers over 1500 delegates from more than 60 countries to discuss the future of cycling setting a new record in terms of participation.
Read more http://ecf.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=68f12982db&e=b062ccd05b *Opening Plenary - Cycling towards COP21* Velo-city 2015 Nantes is a major event leading up to the COP 21, to be held in Paris in December. Nantes, European Green Capital 2013, has gained recognition for its ongoing commitment to sustainable development and in particular its pro-cycling policy. The Opening Plenary of the 23rd Velo-city conference welcomed over 1500 delegates from all over the world.
Read more http://ecf.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=a05671fee1&e=b062ccd05b *Infrastructure: Innovation, Parking Solutions and Attractive Design * What type of design could make cycling infrastructure attractive for cyclists? What bike parking facilities have been proved effective? What kind of innovative infrastructure elements are leading to the future? Several sessions on Velo-city Day 2 tried to provide answers for these questions.
Read more http://ecf.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=6fc709d7e8&e=b062ccd05b *Bike Parade* What’s so special about Velo-city? The answer is… the traditional “bike parade” which brought together 7.000 people for a festive bike ride though the city of Nantes.
Read more http://ecf.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=e571ad2b06&e=b062ccd05b Velo-city Nantes Industry Day The second day of the Velo-city was full of industry-related sessions and networking events which can all be found in the Velo-city Industry Day Programme http://ecf.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=ec53426277&e=b062ccd05b put together by ECF. The link between cycling industry and advocacy is stronger than ever and success in one field benefits the other creating positive synergy in advancing cycling.
Read more http://ecf.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b0c3ff3f53e4c6a8be5677245&id=a159283d0f&e=b062ccd05b Change the Rules! Promoting Cycling with More or Less Regulation Through orientation and guidance on behaviour and practice, regulation can undoubtedly play a decisive role in travel mode shift. What does pro-cycling regulation entail? More regulation, or less? The discussion highlighted various examples and addressed the changes that are necessary to make more attractive than cars.
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