Just in case you know someone who would like to apply.
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Sarah Thiessen wrenchvolunteer@gmail.com Date: Tue, May 28, 2019 at 7:14 PM Subject: Wheels of Courage Mentorship Program (29 and under) - Apply today! To:
Hey volunteers!
Just want to let everyone know that there is *only one week left* to apply for the Wheels of Courage Mentorship Program!
In case you haven't heard about it via our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/theWRENCHwpg/posts/2270586106322775?__xts__[0]=68.ARAKp9wN9cZHat0IQF4KMS1enhJly-Ndr7PDQ1IR0GA8j_5r3IJNKiG3y9d3QhJjnAPscSYMp98HeEpa7yDGfhZsmQoZqJUdi9ddOsC3HxX_w6qo8iDH6MfXAbNTGe1mJf3JNIzbfmLWhyFhrR0KSsrWIpfMB3fAuORMcyh1WF5MRDNHqpzabXXWTJ7XaWE1uWZELbf0EHvRSnUaUy6p3dsA7siCQn_XOySVo1ssvp3OcnedbZQANEC_AQOGHBv5nplyRaAtixwngC-pW2s5ayI37sS_MiTdSDfoy9QD_1FTFROvIkCXUXWxQEeI0DWK56VxARVLWHc3R1wIVVXu4xAaNQ&__tn__=-R already...
*Wheels of Courage* is an exciting new mentorship program at the WRENCH for *young people (ages 14-29)* focused on skill-building and creating positive change through Community Projects.
*If you love bikes* and want to use them as a tool for personal growth and social change – Wheels of Courage is for you! *Learn more @ Apply now at www.thewrench.ca/woc http://www.thewrench.ca/woc*
*Application Deadline: June 4th, 2019*
Let me know if you have any questions, or want to arrange for a phone call or face-to-face chat about the program!
Sarah Thiessen *Volunteer Coordinator & Wheels of Courage Lead Mentor* The *W*innipeg *R*epair* E*ducation '*N*' *C*ycling *H*ub 1057 Logan Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3E 3N8 Treaty 1 Territory & Homeland of the Metis Nation 204.296.3389 www.thewrench.ca volunteer@thewrench.ca