I've notice on the City's website front page - the City is http://www.winnipeg.ca/clerks/docs/boards/boards.stm 'Seeking Citizens to Serve' on boards and commissions with a deadline to apply of November 16th, BUT - nowhere is there a listing for the City's Active Transportation Advisory Committee.
This past May, the City chose to 'relieve' all representatives (both city representatives and volunteers) from their duties on the Active Transportation Advisory Committee. As a volunteer member at the time, we were told they would be 'reformatting' the committee and posting the opportunity to serve on the committee in the near future.
As Mark Cohoe noted in a previous 'Charleswood Transportation Study' posting to this list serve- there were many AT omissions in the Charleswood Transportation plan that: ' . . . had the City maintained the AT Advisory Committee, these errors would have been spotted prior to the public information display.'
An advisory committee is an invaluable asset - for both the citizens and the City. An advisory committee provides insight and guidance to the City's one Active Transportation Coordinator and Public Works Department - and assists in ensuring costly AT errors and omissions do not occur.
I encourage you to email the Mayor and your city Councillor http://winnipeg.ca/council/ and ask them where folks can apply to serve on the Active Transportation Advisory Committee - in light of the November 16th deadline.
Janice Lukes