Candidates Meetings River Heights - Fort Garry By-Election:
Bike to the Future ( http://www.BiketotheFuture.org www.BiketotheFuture.org) and the Winnipeg Trails Association (www.WinnipegTrails.com) have arranged separate meetings at the Manitoba Eco-Centre with both of the candidates in the upcoming River Heights - Fort Garry by-election. The meetings will allow the candidates to engage members of the community in a discussion about Active Transportation in River Heights - Fort Garry, and learn about opportunities for improvements to active transportation infrastructure and programming within the ward and throughout Winnipeg as a whole.
WHY ATTEND ? Of all the wards in Winnipeg, River Heights - Fort Garry will be receiving a significant % of Active Transportation infrastructure funding over the next 2-5 years for the following projects:
* Bus Rapid Transit & AT Corridor * Jubilee Overpass rehabilitation * Proposed widening of Kenaston Blvd. * Burlington Rail Line crossing * Ikea & surrounding roadway expansion * Bishop Grandin Trail WEST expansion * Pembina & Bishop Grandin intersection AT accommodations
River Heights - Fort Garry by way of physical location is a key linkage in north / south - east / west - critical to quality AT development.
DATES / TIMES: Geoff Currier: Tuesday March 3rd, 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM John Orlikow: Wednesday March 4th, noon to 1:30 PM
LOCATION: The Manitoba Eco-Centre is on the 3rd floor in the Mountain Equipment Building. Please use the entrance door on Portage Avenue just east of the MEC store entrance.
RSVP: If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Mark Cohoe (mcohoe@mts.net) or Janice Lukes ( mailto:jlukes@shaw.ca jlukes@shaw.ca) so we will have an idea of how many people will be attending. Everyone is welcome to attend.