Bicycle Valet Winnipeg, a project of Bike to the Future, is seeking at least 20 volunteers to help operate several bicycle valet's during Manitoba Homecoming weekend, September 11th and 12th.
We will be located at the Winnipeg Convention Centre on the 11th and 12th for the Winnipeg Green Lifestyle and Organic Living show. Also, on the 11th and 12th we will be having another bicycle valet in Memorial Provincial Park on Broadway for Ciclovia, Taste of Downtown, Lights on Broadway, Big Dance on Broadway and the 10 + 10 Road Race. On September 12th, we will also be operating a bicycle valet at the Winnipeg Blue Bombers game.
Our previous events include Bike to Work Day 2010, Orioles Community Centre Family Days, MEC Bikefest and the Winnipeg Blue Bombers game on July 24, 2010.
For more information or to volunteer, please e-mail *volunteer* at * bicyclevaletwinnipeg.ca*
Please forward this message to other groups as you feel appropriate.
Thank you,
David Wieser Bicycle Valet Winnipeg Project Manager