Hi AT Network,
This is a reminder about the upcoming Standing Policy Committee for Infrastructure and Public Works meeting scheduled for September 10, 2013 at 9 am where they will be reviewing the decision to cancel the development of a pedestrian and cycling strategy for the City of Winnipeg.
With the city threatening to delay this project for another year and half, this may be the one and only opportunity to let the city know they need to continue with this long term plan.
A few select points: the city is obligated to complete the pedestrian and cycling strategy. Major plans and guiding city policy states this plan is needed; Our Winnipeg, Complete Communities Direction Strategy and the Transportation Master Plan all identify the need for a Pedestrian and Cycling Strategy. The comments by council that a plan is not needed and implementation can proceed with out it is ludicrous. In order to have a comprehensive plan for growth and development and in order to live up to the City's Sustainable Transportation Direction Strategy, the City can not delay or cancel this plan. It is unheard of for a city without a long-term active transportation plan to delay the process and engage in meaningful consultation with the public.
Please circulate this to other concerned groups in your networks, namely the Older Adult networks/orgs, all trails orgs/assoc, Rivers West, WTA, Bike Winnipeg, youth and student groups and neighbourhood associations.
You might also consider calling or emailing your City Councillor asking them to restart the development of these strategies for Winnipeg.
Thanks again!