Have you thought about riding your bike to work but you were waiting for the right opportunity? Or maybe you just finished the Commuter Challenge and you are looking for the next challenge. Or maybe you are a veteran cyclist that wants to be apart of something big. Whatever the case - Pull out your bike, stretch your legs, and take part in the 1st Annual Bike to Work Day Winnipeg!
The City of Winnipeg and Bike to the Future are hosting the 1st Annual Bike to Work Day Winnipeg 2008 on Friday June 20, 2008. Winnipeg residents are encouraged to register online and ride their bikes to work and back. The day will feature a free pancake breakfast at The Forks, energy stations set-up at at various locations around the city, great prizes and more. The event was announced by the Mayor of Winnipeg on Friday May 9th, and, with over 750 residents already registered, is starting to gain real momentum.
Please note that an Energy Station map will be posted on the Bike to Work Day Winnipeg website shortly.
Find more information (and to register!) at www.BikeToWorkDayWinnipeg.org
See you Friday, June 20th, 2008!
Cheers, Deanna
------------------------------------------------------------- Deanna Betteridge, M.Sc. in motion Coordinator 2 - 189 Evanson St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0N9 204-232-3297 (c) 204-940-8409 (f) E-mail: dbetteridge@wrha.mb.ca Web site: www.winnipeginmotion.ca
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