Hi, I received this email and thought it is worth sharing. Sincerely, Cyndi Otfinowski
Begin forwarded message:
From: "City of Winnipeg" no_reply@cityofwinnipeg.ca Date: August 22, 2016 at 10:59:00 AM CDT To: cotfinowski@gmail.com Subject: News Release - Winnipeg Police Service
http://winnipeg.ca/police/ Monday, August 22, 2016
Bicycle Theft Awareness/Prevention: Lock it, or lose it Cycling has gained tremendous popularity. Whether for fitness, economical or environmental reasons, cycling has great benefits.
The Winnipeg Police Service offers tips to mitigate the risk of someone stealing your bicycle, increasing the chances of recovery, and arresting the perpetrator responsible.
Record your serial number - typically on the underside of your pedal (crank) shaft. Keep this number in a safe place
Register It Community Services with the City of Winnipeg. Other internet web-sites, and bike shops offer registration as well
Secure It the best way to protect yourself against bike theft is to park your bike in a secure bike parking facility. Other good choices include monitored parking facilities and locations, and high-visibility racks along retail store-fronts
Lock it Well prevent bike theft with good locking techniques
Use 2 Locks invest in a U-lock and a cable lock, and use both whenever possible
Report it if your bike is stolen, report it to your local police ASAP. Its your best chance for safe return
Broadcast It- post a photo and details of your bike on Facebook, Twitter, Kijiji and Instagram increase the chance of recovery
Look for It- watch online marketplaces, and report or flag suspicious listings
For further information contact either: Constable Jason Michalyshen, Public Information Officer Constable Rob Carver, Public Information Officer Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs
Phone: (204) 986-3061 | Fax: (204) 986-3267 | Email: WPS-PIO@Winnipeg.ca mailto:WPS-PIO@Winnipeg.ca Share this mailing with your social network by clicking on the appropriate link: http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3a%2f%2fcowsvpelms01%2ecityofwinnipeg%2eca%2fread%2farchive%3fid%3d7757%26mid%3d271921%26e%3dcotfinowski%2540gmail%252ecom%26x%3dca1bf8dc http://twitter.com/home?status=http%3a%2f%2fcowsvpelms01%2ecityofwinnipeg%2eca%2fread%2farchive%3fid%3d7757%26mid%3d271921%26e%3dcotfinowski%2540gmail%252ecom%26x%3dca1bf8dc
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