[ Not sure if this info got posted to the listserv already or not, but here's the super-interesting results from Winnipeg's (and quite a few other places') first ever Winter Bike to Work Day. This info was in an email that went out to all the registrants last week. If you want to be the first to get info for next year, feel to register anytimehttp://winterbiketoworkday.org/registe-to-ride/. - Anders ] - - - Winter Bike to Work Day 2013 was a success!
Six communities officially took part, with 492 winter cyclists taking the time to register from 31 different communities across 3 continents. Almost 15% of you rode for the first time!
For full details, check out your community's results and the revealing answers from the opinion surveyshttp://winterbiketoworkday.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f147afc96aebc61001cc7694b&id=f5aea1f367&e=b18187aa64.
Also, see what 391 of you had to say about "what I love most about biking in thewinterhttp://winterbiketoworkday.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f147afc96aebc61001cc7694b&id=8b7929ada7&e=b18187aa64 ...".
And, have a look at some fabulous photos, including the contest winners.http://winterbiketoworkday.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=f147afc96aebc61001cc7694b&id=296bf92400&e=b18187aa64
Want to help grow the event next year? Fill out a quick form to state your interest in volunteering or organizinghttp://winterbiketoworkday.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f147afc96aebc61001cc7694b&id=35e960b6ec&e=b18187aa64 .
See you in 2014!