I just wanted to alert people to an impending decision at the City of Winnipeg's Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development -- April 9, 2013to declare two parcels of land near Shaftesbury and St. Paul High Schools surplus. You can view the agenda item here http://winnipeg.ca/CLKDMIS/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=12605&SectionId=&InitUrl=. You can view the areas under consideration below.
As I have previously pointed out in Bike to the Future's submission http://biketothefuture.org/attachments/0000/1824/2012-10-26_bttf_charleswoodtransportationstudy_submission.pdfbefore the Charleswood Transportation Study, these properties hold the potential to create a direct, high quality AT link from the existing trails into Assiniboine Park and Forest along Bower road right of Way into the South Tuxedo neighbourhood (see below).
I plan on attending the committee meeting Tuesday to ask that an easement for AT be left intact to allow for any future connection through to Bard Pl. to the south, I will also contact the city and Councillor Havixbeck to ensure that they are aware of the potential AT connection and need to retain an easement.