Interesting report on commuter modes in Winnipeg, comparing 1996 and 2016. Gives numbers on walking, biking, public transit, and driving, and breaks it down into core area commuters, suburban to core area commutes, core to suburban commutes.
Jobs are moving avway from the city centre in all eight cities, but Winnipeg and Quebec City were the only cities of the eight which showed a drop in the actual number of core area jobs (we lost 14,000 jobs in our core area). Winnipeg also has the highest percentage of commuters living within 5km of their workplace.
" Among those who work and live in the city core, the proportion of those who use active modes of transportation (such as walking and biking) increased—from 19% to 47% in Toronto, from 16% to 38% in Montréal, from 15% to 38% in Calgary, from 17% to 39% in Vancouver and from 22% to 42% in Ottawa–Gatineau."
"In 2016, the two CMAs with the largest proportion of within-city core commuters using active transportation were Toronto (47%) and Ottawa–Gatineau (42%). In contrast, Winnipeg had the lowest proportion of within-city core commuters walking or cycling to work, with about 1 in 5 such commuters opting for this commuting type."
Cheers, Mark Cohoe Executive Director Bike Winnipeg t: 204-894-6540 e: mark@bikewinnipeg.ca