** Hope you can attend.....and please help us spread the word by forwarding this email **
Hi, The Downtown BIZ and community partners are excited to host the first ever Ciclovia Winnipeg 2009 - THIS SUNDAY, September 13th. The North side of Broadway will be closed for a FREE street festival promoting biking, walking, active transportation and healthy living.
North Broadway will be CLOSED from 8:00am - 6:00pm to ALL motorized vehicles...and open to ALL human-powered forms of activity - walk, bike, jog, skateboard, roller blade, skip or pogo stick on down!
Cruise from Assiniboine Park to the Forks - Wellington Crescent or Wolseley Avenue and connect to Broadway Avenue, enjoy all the activities......and then cruise down to the Forks for a free concert @ 4:00pm.
FREE activity demo classes at Hargrave & Broadway - come on down and try them out: 9:40-10:10 Salsa Babies 10:20-10:50 Fit 4 Two Stroller Fitness 11:00-11:30 Zumba Fitness with Paula 11:40-12:10 Moksha Yoga Winnipeg 1:00-1:30 Tai Chi 2:20-2:50 Zumba Fitness with Sharon & Lana
FUN for the whole family.....Kid Zone, bike rodeo, bike decorating, street hockey, sandcastle building, straw maze, bike zone, bike repairs, bike polo, farmers' market, artisan market, entertainment and so much more (check out the attached map and schedule)!!
It's FREE and we encourage everyone to come out and JOIN IN the activities.
For more information http://www.winnipeginmotion.ca/ http://www.downtownwinnipegbiz.com/home/events/ciclovia/
Ciclovia - means "bike way" and began in Bogota, Columbia - check it out! http://www.streetfilms.org/archives/ciclovia/
See you on Ciclovia Sunday!
Cheers, Deanna
Attached Documents: Ciclovia Poster Event Schedule and Map
** Sign-up to receive Winnipeg in motion email updates www.winnipeginmotion.ca/signup/ ** ------------------------------------------------------------- Deanna Betteridge, M.Sc. in motion Coordinator 2 - 189 Evanson St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 0N9 204-940-3264 (w) 204-232-3297 (c) 204-940-8409 (f) E-mail: dbetteridge@wrha.mb.ca Web site: www.winnipeginmotion.ca
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