Manitoba Eco-Network is proud to host Winnipeg's first environmental film festival
March 12 & 13 Red River College (Downtown Campus, 160 Princess Street)
Join us for powerful and beautiful films that highlight the perils and the hope for our Earth.
FRIDAY MARCH 12 (7-10 pm)
Film premiere of NO IMPACT MAN and a low-impact reception with refreshments, eco-prizes, cash bar and great conversation.
Watch the trailer for No Impact Man
SATURDAY MARCH 13 (9 am - 4:30 pm)
Feature Films, including Dirt! the Movie, H2Oil, A Sea Change, A Chemical Reaction and many more
PLUS a REEL Discussion with local directors about film-making, the environment, the future...
PLUS Eco Displays by local organizations working on these issues
a.. Friday only: $10 b.. Saturday only: $12 c.. Full event: $20 Available online at www.mbeconetwork.org or ,while quantities last, at McNally Robinson (1120 Grant Ave) and Mountain Equipment Co-op (303 Portage Ave).
**Some films will be shown for free**
For more information: 947-6511 or www.mbeconetwork.org
Event Sponsors:
Assiniboine Credit Union Canadian Environmental Network CUPE Local 500 Kendrick Quality Printing Prairie Architects Sustainable Solutions
t: 204-947-6511 | f : 1-866-237-3130 e: info@mbeconetwork.org | w: www.mbeconetwork.org