Looking for images of pedestrians and cyclists? The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) image library is US-based but offers free high res images. See more info below, along with usage guidelines and a call for photo submissions. -cheers, Beth
------------------------ PBIC News Brief June 1, 2009
PBIC launches updated image library Submit your images for chance to win a free retro-reflective pants strap!
CHAPEL HILL, NC The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center announces the launch of the updated and redesigned pedestrian and bicycle image library at www.pedbikeimages.org
The PBIC Image Library is a searchable collection of free, high-quality images relating to walking and bicycling. Visitors to the site may use the images in any non-commercial projects including web pages, presentations and reports. There are no per-image costs, royalties, or extra payments for the images, but users must adhere to the Usage Guidelines posted on the site at www.pedbikeimages.org/usage.cfm
The updated site features hundreds of fresh images of people, transportation facilities, and livable places in the US and in more than 10 other countries. The images can be searched for using keywords, or users can browse by popular search terms. Users can also search for images from specific states or countries, photos taken by a particular photographer, or for a specific format or print quality.
The PBIC would like to encourage users to submit http://www.pedbikeimages.org/submit.cfm their own pedestrian and bicycle-related photos. For the next 6 weeks starting on June 1, users who submit their own related images will be automatically entered in a weekly random drawing. Users will be entered into the drawing for each image they submit, so your odds of winning increase as you submit more photos. The winning recipient for each week will receive one PBIC retro-reflective bike pants strap.
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center is funded through the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and maintained by the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center.
-- Laura Sandt Research Associate, UNC Highway Safety Research Center Associate Director, Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center 730 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Suite 300 / Campus Box 3430 Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3430 Tel 919.962.2358 Fax 919.962.8710 sandt@hsrc.unc.edu
www.walkinginfo.org www.bicyclinginfo.org.