Active Transportation Community -
The National School Travel Planning group is hosting several interesting webinars in the next couple months. The webinars will be hosted live in the Eco-Centre boardroom (3rd Floor - 303 Portage Avenue), or individuals are welcome to participate from their personal computers.
Please RSVP to:
Shoni Litinsky - if you would like to attend the webinar at the Eco-Centre (303 Portage Ave, third floor): stp@resourceconservation.mb.ca
Sandra Jones - if you would like to watch the webinar from your computer. Instructions and background documents will be sent to you. scjones@telus.net
1. Thursday September 9, 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. EDT School Travel Planning and Sustainable Happiness - Links to Individual, Community and Global Well-being This presentation is by Dr Catherine O'Brien, with the School of Education, Health and Wellness Cape Breton University, and Subha Ramanathan, Research Fellow.
2. Tuesday September 28, 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. EDT Student Engagement and Teacher Champions - for School Travel Planning in Elementary and Middle schools This presentation by Arthur Orsini of Urbanthinkers will provide ideas and inspiration for engaging elementary school teachers and students in activities that complement the STP process and the writing of the school travel plan. It will be archived for future viewing.
3. Wednesday October 20, 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. EDT Overcoming the Barriers to Sustainability A presentation by D'Arcy Farlow, consultant, Organizational and Community Capacity Building.