As this is an Active Transportation list serve - I am compelled to ask that when you review / provide input at the Transportation Master Plan Open House - you consider the following related to the CentrePort Canada initiative:
CentrePort Canada
* is a public - private partnership which is the driving force behind unprecedented road investments in Winnipeg - and ultimately highways accessing Winnipeg * is recognized as one of North America's top infrastructure projects * all levels of gov't (Feds / Province / City) are making tremendous investments in the development of CentrePort with the vision of significant economic impact for Manitoba * roadways to from and around Winnipeg must be designed as expressways to accommodate the development of the international multi modal transportation hub * the attached CentrePort Business Plan provides a clear overview of the investment / goals, etc. - some interesting long weekend reading
TODAY, we are seeing active transportation routes impacted by the development / preparation of roadways related to CentrePort - in both a negative - and positive (when challenged) way:
* Perimeter Hwy median closures eliminating trail connectivity from Winnipeg to the greater capital region (Harte Trail to Headingley Grand Trunk Trail, Northeast Pioneers Greenway Trail to town of Birds Hill trail system) * Elimination of service roads around the Perimeter Hwy - often used as active transportation routes * Construction of Inkster pathway as part of Inkster roadway expansion (a link in the CentrePort network) * Construction of a ped / cycle flyover - over the expansion of the Chief Peguis Expressway (a link in the CentrePort network) * Kenaston expansion - may or may not include active transportation on both sides - and may or man not include a ped/cycle flyover to schools on either side (a link in the CentrePort network)
My comments aren't on the pros / cons of CentrePort - just that you CONSIDER:
* the tremendous financial investments in roadways to support development of CentrePort * the transportation infrastructure required to develop a global multi modal transportation hub * the tremendous commitment by gov'ts and private industry to support the development of CentrePort * the consideration of active transportation in the development of CentrePort * the historic approach / default mode - when developing active transportation in Winnipeg * the many obstacles continually faced when moving active transportation forward in Winnipeg
Will the ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION vision reflected in the Transportation Master Plan enable Winnipeg to truly be a 'transportation hub' - for all modes of transportation? Having had the opportunity to provide input on Winnipeg's Transportation Master Plan - I look forward to the open house.
Janice Lukes Winnipeg Trails Association
* * * * * * * *
A few selected Free Press articles & quotes related to CentrePort Canada Way
o "Toews said that once complete, CentrePort will increase Canada's opportunities on the world stage. CentrePort Canada is definitely a key component of Canada's economic prosperity as we emerge from the recession,"
o Selinger said the road projects will link CentrePort with the port of Churchill and Hudson's Bay, continental U.S. and Mexico and Canada's east and west coasts
o "CentrePort ...has the ability to do what nothing else can accomplish for our city (for) economic impact and creating phenomenal jobs," Katz said. "This is the beginning of something very wonderful and very special." riches-96712199.html iches-96712199.html ion-vital-to-inland-port--starts-96661709.html on-vital-to-inland-port--starts-96661709.html ion-vital-to-inland-port--starts-96661709.html on-vital-to-inland-port--starts-96661709.html .html html widening-work-continues--99880789.html idening-work-continues--99880789.html c-gateway-summit-107020833.html -gateway-summit-107020833.html -issue--in-Rosser-reeve-race-105285718.html issue--in-Rosser-reeve-race-105285718.html
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Beth McKechnie Sent: June 27, 2011 4:57 PM To: AT network Subject: [At-network] Transportation Master Plan Open House - July 6, 2011
** Please share widely **
The City of Winnipeg staff and consultant team invite you to attend the second Open House for the Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Drop by to view the main comments received from the public and stakeholders meetings and review the key directions and opportunities for the following transportation components:
* Transit
* Roads
* Goods Movement
* Active Transportation
* Transportation Demand Management
* Funding, Financing, and Governance
We would like to hear from you on this important stage of the process!
Date: Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Time: 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: The Forks Market Atrium (at the base of the Forks Tower)
Format: Drop in anytime - no formal presentation.
Staff will be on hand to answer questions and collect feedback you may have.
Visit the following Website to view or download the latest version of the TMP Newsletter:
Please forward this email to anyone that you feel would be interested in attending. Thank You!