So far I am available any Sunday in January.
Dianna Meseyton-Neufeld Flood Recovery Team Healthy Living Program Facilitator Southern Regional Health Authority/Office régional de la santé du Sud 180 Centennaire Drive Southport, MB, R0H 1N0 Tel: 204 871-6735 Fax: 204 428-2774 Email: dneufeld@rha-central.mb.ca www.rha-central.mb.cahttp://www.rha-central.mb.ca Confidentiality Notice: This message and any attachment(s) to it are intended for the addressee only and may contain confidential information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited and we assume no liability for any loss or damage suffered as a result of same. Please notify the sender if you have received this email by mistake and then permanently delete it and any attachments in a secure manner. Thank you. Avis de confidentialité - Le présent courriel et le(s) document(s) joint(s) s'adressent exclusivement au(x) destinataire(s) mentionné(s) et peuvent contenir des renseignements confidentiels. Toute utilisation, divulgation, distribution ou copie non autorisée de ces derniers est strictement interdite et nous ne saurons être tenus responsables des pertes ou des dommages subis en raison de l'une ou l'autre de ces actions. Si vous recevez le présent courriel par erreur, veuillez en aviser immédiatement l'émetteur et détruire le courriel avec le(s) document(s) joint(s) de manière permanente et sécuritaire. Merci.
From: at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:at-network-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca] On Behalf Of Anders Swanson Sent: December-07-12 1:04 PM To: at-network@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: [At-network] UPDATE: TOPIC CHANGE! (Presentation on The New Pedestrian Control Guide) Fwd: ITE Manitoba monthly lunch Presentation on Thursday, December 13th
[ Hi folks, quick note: the topic for this lunch and learn had a last minute change, and now may not be quite as relevant to active transportation (although I imagine the lunch would still be tasty.) The Pedestrian Control Guide topic has been deferred to 2013. - Anders]
Hi everyone,
The topic of the December ITE Manitoba monthly lunch meeting has changed. Dr. Jeannette Montufar will still be presenting, but the new topic will be CITE National Initiatives. The presentation on The New Pedestrian Control Guide will likely be done sometime in 2013. Sorry for the sudden change! The information at www.itemanitoba.cahttp://www.itemanitoba.ca/ has been updated.
We would also like to remind everyone that the ITE Manitoba Executive elections will take place at the December meeting. The details of the meeting are:
Date: Thursday, December 13th Time: 12 noon Location: The Round Table (800 Pembina Highway)
We still hope to see everyone come out next Thursday!
Björn Rådström, BSc(CE), P. Eng. ITE Manitoba Secretary
Hello everyone,
It is finally here, the first ITE Manitoba monthly lunch presentation will be on Thursday, December 13th! As usual, it will take place at 12 noon at The Round Table at 800 Pembina Highway. Our presenter this month is Dr. Jeannette Montufar, P. Eng., of the University of Manitoba. Dr. Montufar's presentation is on The New Pedestrian Control Guide.
Dr. Montufar is a professional engineer registered in Manitoba and Alberta, and Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Manitoba. She is also Principal of Montufar Group, a transportation consulting firm specializing in road safety and freight transportation. Dr. Montufar has done extensive work in the U.S. and Canada on projects dealing with road safety, freight transportation, the application of advanced technologies to commercial vehicle operations, truck size and weight policy, goods movement in urban areas, traffic information systems, and the automation of data collection systems. She has worked for the Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio; the Texas Transportation Institute in College Station, Texas; and the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The cost for the presentation and lunch is $20 for members and guests, and $15 for students. This notice can also be found at www.itemanitoba.cahttp://www.itemanitoba.ca/. We hope to see you all there next week!
Björn Rådström, BSc(CE), P. Eng. ITE Manitoba Secretary
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