If you watched enough Mr.Dressup as a kid, or simply like watching people draw, you might like this video. You wouldn't be alone; it's got over a million hits. Not bad for a video with no cats.
It was made by a doctor/professor in Ontario and is about finding "the single best thing" we can do for our health. Can you guess what that is? Hint: I posted it to this list. I won't ruin the suspense, and you might have heard the message before. Nonetheless, this video includes some pretty clear and compelling research, and presents the facts in a nice simple way. For the time being, it even lets the smokers, drinkers and overweight folks in the crowd off the hook (somewhat)...
Watch the video: 23 and 1/2 hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUaInS6HIGo
Read the CBC Story: An illustrated video with a simple message about health has received more than a million hits on YouTube, much to the delight of the Toronto doctor who created it. "My bankability with teenagers has increased significantly," Dr. Mike Evans told CBC News on Wednesday. Evans is a doctor at St. Michael's Hospital and professor at the University of Toronto. People all over the world are linking to his month-old video from Facebook and Twitter. Evans says his message — to complete a half-hour of exercise every day — is like a magic pill to cure aches and pains. "I've got a pill that's going to help with your arthritis, help with your depression, help with your anxiety, help with your obesity, help prevent cancer," he said. The video cites studies from the world, including research that shows even overweight people have fewer health problems when active. Watch the full video above. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2012/01/11/toronto-viral-video-d...
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Anders Swanson Active Transportation Project Coordinator Physical Activity Coalition of Manitoba | www.pacm.ca activetransportation@pacm.ca