*APBP 2011 Professional Development Seminar *October 24-27 | Charlotte, N.C. Details and registration: www.apbppds.org http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=444708&ymlink=619282&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eapbppds%2Eorg
*Early registration rates in effect through September 14*
Plan to attend the best sustainable transportation conference in 2011! Join a wide cohort of bicycle and pedestrian staff, consultants, engineers, planners, landscape architects, policymakers, advocates, and many others at APBP's Professional Development Seminar in Charlotte, N.C., October 24-27. Complete Streets is the focus of this year's seminar, and Charlotte is a living laboratory where participants can explore textbook policy and exemplary implementation.
Three conference tracks will focus on Complete Streets Design and Implementation, Livability and Economic Development, and New Guidelines, Research and Standards. PDS participants may choose from 26 in-depth, three-hour classroom and mobile sessions beginning Tuesday, October 25. Special all-day intensive seminars on Monday, October 24, offer deep classroom learning opportunities about Smart Trips, Healthy Living In Place, and Toward Zero Deaths as well as mobile sessions to Greenville and Spartanburg, S.C. and Davidson, N.C. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from a dream team of bike/ped experts, including Andy Clarke, League of American Bicyclists; Barbara McCann, National Complete Streets Coalition; Dan Burden, Walkable and Livable Communities Institute; exceptional professionals from Charlotte's Department of Transportation; and many other recognized masters. Find the conference agenda and session details at www.apbppds.org http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=444708&ymlink=619282&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eapbppds%2Eorg.
A student poster contest offers five winners the chance to attend the conference through a student scholarship award and travel stipend.
Conference Location and Hotel: The Blake Hotel 555 South McDowell Street Charlotte, NC28204 (704) 372-4100 Website: http://www.blakehotelnc.com/ http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=444708&ymlink=619282&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eblakehotelnc%2Ecom%2F
Click here http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=444708&ymlink=619282&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eapbppds%2Eorg%2Fhotel%2Ehtml to learn how to make your reservation at the group rate of $95 (king) or $129 (two doubles) per night. The room block is open until 9/23/11 or until full, whichever occurs first. The GSA per diem hotel rate for Charlotte is $95.
For exhibit and sponsorship opportunities, contact sponsorship@apbp.org mailto:sponsorship@apbp.org.
Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals PO Box 93 . Cedarburg, WI . 53012 262.228.7025 . info@apbp.org mailto:info@apbp.org www.apbp.org http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=444708&ymlink=619282&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eapbp%2Eorg%2F